Need a Cool Christmas Gift? Grab a Daisy!

This #ItsADaisy shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias

I have to admit I am a wimp when it comes to cold weather. I’d much rather be curled up inside near the heater with a good book than braving the cold. Unfortunately, this attitude was rubbing off on the kids. I needed to find something we could do as a family, something to get us outdoors and spend time together. While browsing through our local Academy Sports in search of suggestions and cool Christmas presents, I happened to see a Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun. Since one of my kids has Dsygraphia, and we had been told by his eye specialist to try to practice hand-eye coordination, a light bulb went off in my head. “Target practice is the perfect solution. The kids will get outside to play and we can work on the coordination issue.” I purchased one, went home and set about getting a hay bale moved into position.

I gathered everyone together for a quick lesson on gun safety and we were ready to test out our new Daisy Red Ryder. (Daisy educates roughly one million of America’s youth a year through their Ten Lesson Shooting Curriculum, which has been around since 1948, about BB gun use and safety.)

Wow! Talk about embarrassment.  Apparently the only person in the family who does not have “mad skills” with the Daisy is me. Everyone else managed to hit at least around the target, and usually the center of the target with no problems!  Me? Not so much. I guess that shows my need to get out and practice with the guys! I did manage to hit the hay bale, but it was a huge hay bale.  My son eyed me sympathetically after my turns and said, “You’re not very good at this, are you, Mom?”

Bryan, who surprised me by hitting the target, time and again, told me the Daisy was one of the cool Christmas presents he had received as a kid. He and his brother had spent hours  in the same field  with their father learning how to use their Daisy.
Red Ryder

I’m glad I found something to entice the kids to spend more time outdoors. As an added plus, I’m getting lots of exercise walking to the target and saying, “Did I miss this again???”  Want to learn more about the Daisy Red Ryder?

Missing the Target
Missing the Target ….again!

What cool Christmas presents are you planning on gifting this year?


  1. We live just a few miles from the Daisy Museum and plant. My boys all love going in to look around. My oldest would love one of his own.

  2. I don’t have any memories. I’d give it to my niece.

  3. My dad gave me a Daisy when I was 12 years old. We would go into the woods behind my grandparents farm and shoot at plastic bottles. We never did go hunting though as we were both too tender hearted.

  4. I used to shoot mine into the creek at a bleach bottle

  5. Shareen Mioskowski

    I never had one as a young child but, last year we gifted one to my daughter, I would love to win this for my son!!

  6. I used to LOVE shooting cans in the back yard! My brother and I had competitions!

  7. I remember having one as a child and so proud of it. I would give to my nephew

  8. I’d give it to my niece.

  9. My nephew would like this. My brother in law- not so much

  10. Thank You for the giveaway… I “inherited” an old Daisy BB rifle from my Dad when I was a kid; would like to give one to my nephew !

  11. My brother and I both had Daisy BB guns growing up and always had a safe and fun time playing with them. I would like the give a Daisy as a gift to my son.

  12. This would be for my grandson,he is the same age my husband was when he received his first.thanks

  13. I have never used on of these.

  14. ive always wanted one

  15. I never had one but I would love to give my granddaughter one whose plans to join the airforce some day.

  16. I remember my cousin getting one for Christmas one year, & after the newness wore off he let his Sisters & I take turns w/it – & Nobody shot their eye out, LOL! TY4 the chance…..

  17. I remember having fun shooting one at my Grandad’s farm. If I won, I would give it to my son.

  18. I never had one but I would love to give my daughter one whose plans to join the military some day.

  19. I have never had a Daisy but I think I would give it to my daughter.

  20. My Brothers (2 of them) had Daisy guns. I remember taking turns shooting cans!

  21. My daughter got her first Daisy red rider from her dad and love it! I have a grandson ready for his own!

  22. I do not have any experience with a Daisy Red Ryder but I am sure my daughter would enjoy it with help from her dad.

  23. I don’t have a memory because I’ve never had a Daisy Red Ryder. I would gift this to my grandson.

  24. Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

    My seven years older brother had one of these but he would tease and taunt me with it – he let me touch it ~ but he would never let me try it! It may sound funny, but my husband would probably enjoy this – his parents wouldn’t let him have one because HIS older brother had accidently shot their neighbor’s dog and there were some hard feelings going on…

  25. I would give this to my granddaughter. She has good aim and would make an excellent marksperson!

  26. roblyn honeysucker

    I would gift it to my nephew who is 11 yrs old.

  27. I would gift it to my nephew; not that my husband wouldn’t like it, but my nephew is more into hunting/sport hunting.

  28. I never had one but would gift to my grandchild.

  29. I didn’t have one buy my nephew would love it

  30. I would give this to my son for a Christmas present.

  31. I would gift this to my son, he would like this.

  32. I remember my brother getting one of these for Christmas. I would gift it to my nephew!

  33. Back before the divorce, when my dad cared, he took me out once with it (The bb Gun I Had for a few years).. After the divorce I saw him once every few years.. (I was 13) Good times… Thanks for the memories…

  34. Honestly, I remember shooting out the window to my dad’s truck and it’s the only time he ever spanked me

  35. I think my husband would enjoy teaching our older grand kids how to shoot. Its amazing the patience that you have as a grandparent that you didn’t as a parent.

  36. I remember other kids having the daisy…I would get one for my nephew

  37. I would gift this to my husband as my sons are still too young to use this in my opinion.

  38. My nephew, who is only 4 years younger than me, had a Daisy Red Rider when we were kids. My favorite memory is of the first time he let me shoot it. It was so fun! I would gift this to my grandson.

  39. I would give this to my little brother!

  40. Both of my brothers had Daisy’s when they were young and I would love to give this to my nephew!


  42. I dont have any memories but I would give this to my son !

  43. I have no memories of having one myself, but my brother got one when we were kids and he shot out one of our neighbor’s windows. To this day, I still don’t know how that issue was resolved. But I would give one to my older daughter.

  44. I remember shooting my brothers Daisy Red Rider as a very young child

    If I won, I would give this to my daughter

  45. new athletic wear

  46. My brother had one when we were kids. He never let me use it. I want one for myself.

  47. I don’t have any memories because we were not allowed to have any type of guns growing up but I would gift it to my youngest son.

  48. I used my brother’s Daisy when I was little which was a lot of fun!

  49. My memories are from watching A Christmas Story. I’d probably keep it for myself.

  50. We are big hunters in this family. I would gift this to my grandson so he could start getting some practice.

  51. I have never owned a bee bee gun but I would love to give this to my son. I am sure he would have a lot of fun with it.

  52. I don’t have any Daisy memories, so I’d have to make some! I would share this with my kids

  53. I don’t have any memories with one, but I would gift one to my nephew!

  54. stephanie macdonald

    I have never had a Daisy but I know my son would!

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  56. I would let both of my girls use it. I would let my hubby teach them how to use it and the rules of owning a gun. Thank you!

  57. I learned how to shot with a Daisy at 12 years old. I would love to gift this to my nephew. Thank you.

  58. I would like to gift this to my grandsons.

  59. I have memories of shooting bird at the ranch when I was small with my cousin and also I would keep it for myself If I won or had to buy one.

  60. Just from that movie… you’re gonna shoot your eye out!!!

  61. I would give it to my son jake. I might keep it for myself though.

  62. I really have no memories with a Daisy BB gun…other than the time my son was shot by one. However I would still like to give one to my grandkids!

  63. Do you have a favorite memory with a Daisy Red Ryder?

    a long time ago…today the cops just shoot you if they see you…more dangerous than ever

  64. Ha, my only memory of a Red Ryder bb gun is from the movie, “A Christmas Story.” Fantastic movie, though.

  65. I didn’t have stuff like this as a kid. I would give it to my oldest daughter.

  66. Our 10 year old has a Daisy Red Ryder and likes it. It is one of his favorite toys.

  67. I don’t have any memories of one…but I would give to my son.

  68. Great contest!

  69. I would gift it to my step daughter. She loves rifles!

  70. trisha kilpatrick

    I would probably give it to my daughter. She would get such a kick out of it.

  71. I don’t have a memory of one, but I know my husband does. He received the Red Ryder gun for Christmas one year, complete with the vintage packaging.

  72. I have to say honestly that I think there are better toys for children.

  73. I don’t have a favorite Red Ryder memory since I never owned one but my son wants one

  74. I remember getting my bb gun for Christmas and going out with my friend and shooting at targets. Would give it to my nephew for his birthday.

  75. My favorite memory would be the scene from A Christmas Story when the boy got a Red Ryder for Christmas and his Mother was certain he would shoot out his eye.

  76. I personally have never shot one but I know my husband would have fun teaching our sons gun safety and how to shoot one. Thank you!!

  77. My nephew is turning 2 soon and I would love for him to be able to pickout anything he wants 🙂

  78. When I was young, my grandfather used to take me to the outdoor shooting range with him, where I learned to shoot with real hand guns & rifles. We never had a BB gun. My husband is a US Marine & we have 2 boys that I know he would love to get this for. They’d have so much fun!

  79. I would give it to my grandson. My son had a bb gun when he was that age, and would sit in our unfinished basement by the hour and shoot into old detergent boxes filled with catalogs.

  80. I never owned one as a kid but I always wanted one.My nephew would love one!

  81. I don’t have any personal memories myself, but I would gift to my oldest son.

  82. I have no favorite memories =(
    I’d give/gift it to my nephew =)

  83. I never had one! but I would love to gift this to my nephew when he is a bit older. I know he would have a good time with it.

  84. Jessica Vaughan gengler

    This looks fun, but we could not use this where we are. We would get something else for my four boys

  85. I would give this to my granddaughter, I grew up with a daisy, I remember my dad bringing me to the woods and shooting targets with my Daisy, and I’d love to pass it on to my Grandkids.

  86. I would gift this to my 9 year old son! I have a maybe not so good, but funny now, memory involving a Red Ryder. My brother and I have a 16 year age gap. When I was 7 he bought me a Daisy BB Gun. Oh, man I was so stoked! I went out to shoot it, and decided for some reason, it would be a good idea to shoot at the Christmas lights in our trees. This was 1979 so they were the big kind. I ended up shooting probably 25 of them before my mom noticed. Boy was I in trouble!!! The next day, I went to go shoot my gun again, and saw a Robin. I didn’t think I could hit it, but tried anyway. I shot it! It fell over, but was ok. Right then, however, my cat ran up and grabbed and killed the poor thing!

  87. Shemp DeYoung (@ShempGames)

    A BB Gun is the only gun I have ever enjoyed shooting. We used to plink and plunk cans like crazy.

  88. I did not have a b/b gun win i was small.

  89. No, I do not have any memories of the Daisy Red Ryder. I would gift this to my only grandson.

  90. I would give this to my oldest step-son. My favorite memory with a Daisy is shooting cans with it at my Grandpa’s farm.

  91. I remember shooting one on camping trips. I would give this to my son.

  92. I would gift this to my nephew. He would love this.

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  94. I’d love to give a Daisy to my sons.
    I have some great memories of when my brother and I were kids and he had gotten a Daisy gun one Christmas. We spent many days outside, making our own targets and shooting at them. We’d use soda cans and even draw on empty boxes and use them for targets.

  95. Julie Lynn Bickham

    I would give this to my son for Christmas.

  96. i would give this to my son he wanted it for christmas.

  97. I have no memories of one, but my son would get it.

  98. I would give it to my grandson; he would really love it.

  99. I never had a Daisy Red Ryder. I would gift it to my nephew’s boy

  100. This would make a great gift. Fun for any kid! Thanks for the chance.

  101. I would gift it to my nephew.

  102. Looks like he loves his gift! My kids have not used BB guns before.

  103. Don’t feel too bad, it took me quite a few tried to finally start hitting the target myself when we went shooting our BB guns! #CLient

  104. I don’t have any BB gun memories yet, but I’d love to gift this to my son so we can make memories!

  105. I do not have a memory and I’d give this to my grandson

  106. i’d like to give this to my son.

  107. I would give this to my grandson !!He will be 10 in March and he is at the perfect age for a Daisy!!

  108. I had one as a kid and loved using it with my dad. I would give one to my son.

  109. This looks like iti s a lot of fun. I need to live out in open spaces to have this!

  110. I did not have one of these when I was little but I think this would be awesome for my husband to show our girls how to shoot.

  111. My husband plays airsoft and owns one of the largest teams in the state. BB guns aren’t going to phase him and kiddo. LOL. Kiddo is getting some more Monster High to add to her collection. Hubs is getting more Marvel stuff to add to his man cave.

  112. I’m not comfortable with guns and shooting and try not to buy these kinds of presents, but I know my cousins would love these.

  113. Now this sounds like a great idea, I have a feeling my other half would even enjoy it 🙂

  114. Such a cool BB gun, but not sure I’d be so thrilled to know my child is playing with something like that; it can be dangerous and mistakes happen.

  115. My son would love this cool BB Gun! I would get it for him!

  116. All I can think of is “you’ll shoot your eye out kid!” 🙂 Your little guy looks like he really enjoyed it!

  117. I don’t have a memory but I would love to give this to my niece!

  118. I do not have a memory with a Daisy Red Ryder, but I would love to gift one to my nephew to create some.

  119. I have so many fond memories of playing with BB guns when I was little. I had 4 brothers and no sisters so this was absolutely the norm for me! I would love to get my niece one for Christmas this year!

  120. I don’t have a favorite memory because as children, we were not allowed to have BB guns. This would be a great gift for my son.

  121. i am not sure if I would want want for my son, but it looks like a cool gun

  122. Oh my goodness any of my boys would love to own a Daisy! I know y brothers all had one!

  123. we have a similar BB Gun that we have had for about 14 years. They are a lot of fun and luckily we have only had one mishap of a BB bouncing off something and almost hitting someone.

  124. I didn’t know that they had BB guns like these geared for kids. I like that there is so much safety involved in teaching them how to handle them properly.

  125. I grew up on Red Ryder BB Guns. My son had one, my sister had one, I had one and now my daughter is getting one too for Christmas! Shhhh 🙂

  126. I do not have any Daisy memories but I would gift it to my friends son

  127. I would gift this to my 11 year old grandson.

  128. I bet my nephew would love one of these. I don’t know if my sister would appreciate it though!

  129. Oh, my! My boys would love this as a Christmas present. I wish we lived out in the country!

  130. Would love this for my teens. My older brother is a hunter and took me out when I was a kid with a BB gun. It was a lot of fun and great to get the experience to be a responsible gun owner.

  131. I’m pretty anti-gun so I’d rather kids find other ways to practice their hand-eye coordination.

  132. Sounds like a lot of fun to just do when you’ve got some spare time to kill; I’d love to win this give away!

  133. Not too thrilled about anything that has to do with shooting, but I suppose a boy this age would enjoy it.

  134. Ohhh how fun! My oldest would get a huge kick out or this and so would I haha!

  135. This would be for my grandsons if I win! Looks like a really neat BB gun! We’ll have to find somewhere we can go target shooting!

  136. Excellent post. Thank you so much for the giveaway 😀

  137. My cousins had them when I was younger and it was fun. My reference is to the movie where they say ‘you’ll shoot your eye out!” LOL

  138. I have never had a Daisy, but know that y grandson would love it!

  139. This is a cool BB gun. My son and daughter would have enjoyed this!

  140. This does look like a fun gift. We don’t have anywhere we could use it (too many neighbors close by!) Our son is still super into trains, so that’ll be his cool gift of the year.

  141. We have one for our 9 year old and she loves it. She is a better shot than I am! I probably gift this to my grand daughter.

  142. My Grandson is getting to the age where he is enjoying all the outdoor sports my Hubs does. I am sure he will want a Daisy very soon.

  143. The boys wanted a Daisy and I might just pick one up for them. We don’t have an Academy here though so may get it from Walmart.

  144. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    Forget the kids, I want one for me. How fun! Ok, I suppose I could share with the boys 😉