Footloose and Fancy Free? The Carefree Lifestyle for Me!

Many thanks to Carefree RV Resorts for sponsoring today’s story and sharing their #carefreelifestyle with me!

Have I mentioned how much I want a tropical vacation? We rarely have snow in our area and if we do it is usually a small amount, maybe 1/2 inch to 2 inches. This January and February has been icky, with freak snowstorms, freezing cold weather and general slushy iciness. I’m always been wishing for a trip to Florida by mid-January, but this year I’ve been wishing for several months of vacation! If you are as sick of winter as I am, you’ll be happy to hear about this special offer from Carefree RV parks, located in California, Texas, and Florida. (Notice how all these places are warm!)

Some people like to relax when they they are on vacation. Not me. I like to explore, wander around the area, or keep busy in activities. This has led to strange conversations over the years. Once on a business trip with my husband in Mexico, his boss asked us if we were going to spend the day lounging by the pool. We replied, “Nope. We are going to the Mayan Ruins and spend the day exploring.” His boss walked off, shaking his head and mumbling, “You two are the only people I know who can make a vacation day into work.” If you are like me and enjoying being active, Carefree Lifestyle Resorts offers their newly launched Lifestyle program, allowing you to pursue your passions or discover totally new ones with their line up activities, events, classes and clubs at every Carefree Community.  Of course, if you would prefer R&R, that’s perfectly fine too!
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Right now they have a limited time “Start Your Journey with a Passport to Savings” offer, where you stay 3 nights and get one free in their line of CarefreeRV parks. They offer a variety of options including the CareFree RV parks, resort style living with short or long term rentals and options to purchase your own home.

Want to learn more? Visit the Carefree RV landing page, where you can learn more about the Carefree RV resorts, locate an ideal resort, and request a free quote or brochure!


  1. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    We’ve never done an RV park, having never had an RV – our friends’ parents have one though, and I know they have the best getaways that way!

  2. I’ve never traveled by RV but this looks like a great place to stay. My aunt and uncle plan to bring their RV down to Florida soon. I’m going to tell them about this post!

  3. I can’t relax when I’m on vacation. I like to be everywhere although this Carefree Community sounds great.

  4. Looks like an amazing place to be in! My mom would definitely love the feel to it as well.

  5. Carefree RV resorts sound like an amazing place to stay. I would love to travel around in an RV and see the world.

  6. Sounds nice to vacation there. Nice and relax for the busy life!

  7. I so would love to go someplace warm, sunny and with beaches. Right now in NC we are having bipolar weather.

  8. I like to relax a wee little bit. For the most part though, I’m with you… let’s go explore!! 🙂

  9. Sounds like the Carefree Community might be the way to go. From RVs to renting or owning, they seem to have everything at their resorts.

  10. It’s “fun” work while on vacation! I’d hate to waste all my time at the hotel when there’s so much exploring to do 😛

  11. I like more relaxed vacations like spas and such. Maybe a camper/RV trip like this once in a while would be nice

  12. I desperately need a vacation. I think a tropical location would be the perfect destination.

  13. I want to travel a lot more. I clicked the link. Going to check this out.

  14. Oh carefree that is me. On Vacation! I don’t have many so the ones I do get I soak them right up!

  15. I love everything about carefree. I love relaxing and this would be perfect.

  16. Who doesn’t like tropical vacations? I miss Hawaii, went there twice last year.

  17. I would love to try carefree rv! They are in my area and a local vacation would do is much good

  18. I like to fill my schedule full of activities on vacation too. I just don’t want to miss out on anything!

  19. We have an RV. I can’t wait to check out this site. So glad I am in Texas for this.

  20. I like to do a but of both, but end up erring on the side of exploring. I wish I could resist and be abl to relax more.

  21. I’m with you I love exploring when I am on holiday its such a shame to miss the local areas. x