5 Easy Sun Safety Tips

I have always been a person who avoided the sun. When my friends were slathering tanning oil on themselves and falling asleep in the sun, I would manage to last five minutes before I said, “This is too hot!” and pushed my chair into the shade. Of course I am also the same person who managed to get such a huge sun blister on my foot in Mexico one year I couldn’t walk. While my family visited a zoo in Cancun, walking a few inches from crocodiles with no protection between us and them, the kids said, “If they attack, run. Mom can’t, so they will get her first.” Yes, my kids are a caring bunch.  That’s why I am sharing the five best sun safety tips I’ve learned over the years. Hopefully, they will save you from being eaten by crocodiles on a future trip!

1. You can get sunburned through clothing. I didn’t realize this until I spent a day at the beach with my son when he was young. I covered him with a white t-shirt and slathered the exposed areas with sunscreen.  Imagine my surprise that evening when I found a huge sun blister under his sleeve and no other part of his body burnt! Always add sunblock under clothing when you’re spending a day at the beach or out in the hot sun.

Blue Lizard
The bottle turns blue when exposed to harmful sun rays!

2. Reapply sunscreen often.  I have a bad habit of covering myself with sunblock and then swimming, gardening or whatever and forgetting to reapply.  Water and sweat can wash off sunscreen, so be sure to reapply. I try to reapply every two to four hours.

Blue Lizard
The Baby & Sensitive formulas are paraben-free, chemical-free and fragrance-free; Face is also oil-free and all formulations are mineral-based containing Zinc Oxide.

3. Don’t forget to apply sunblock to your lips.  This year, when we took a tropical vacation, I was determined not to come home burnt. I religiously applied sunscreen all over my body, except for using a sunscreen stick on my lips. I came home almost as pale as when I had left, except for a sun blister on my lip. I didn’t even know lips could get sun blisters until then.

Blue Lizard Sunscreen
The Sport & Regular formulas are extremely water resistant. These formulas meet Australian standards of staying on in 240 minutes of whirlpool water.

4.  Choose Sunscreen with “broad spectrum protection.” This will cover you against both UVA and UVB rays.

5.  Wear Sunscreen with at least SPF 15 or higher. No matter how much I am out in the sun, I still have a ghostly pale complexion and burn easily.  If you have a fair complexion, higher SPF is needed.

This year, when we went on a trip to the Dominican Republic, I was determined to purchase high quality sunscreen. I had used a lower quality in Mexico four years ago, and the entire family had paid the price. I researched sunscreen and found Blue Lizard, which was also a favorite of my daughter, who already used it. Not only is it recommended by dermatologists, it is recommended by the  Environmental Working Group.  It provides SPF 30 water resistant sun protection for four hours, is BPA and cruelty free, and provides clinically proven broad-spectrum UVA and UVB skin protection.  Best of all, it works! The entire family came home without sunburns.  This is one sunscreen that will go into my bag on all future vacations! Want to try it for yourself?


  1. Sunscreen is so important. This looks like a great brand.

  2. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    When I was in college, I got a second degree sunburn on my shoulder on vacation in Mexico – a seriously painful experience!

  3. We had to use sunscreen when we went to Florida for a few weeks. I however prefer the spray to the lotion. Will have to check out Blue Lizard.

  4. I love that Blue Lizard is waterproof and stays on for 4 hours. These are great tips that go with a great product! Thank you for sharing your review and discount code.

  5. I’ve heard of this sunscreen. I’ll have to check it out. As hot as it’s been… sunscreen is definitely a must.

  6. Great tips! I’m a huge advocate of safety in the sun.

  7. My experience on sunscreen has not been great and I think I have a sensitivity to it. But, I would like to check this one out and see if it works for me.

  8. Being so fair skinned I stock up on sunscreen often. I have never heard of this one before but it sounds great

  9. Smart thinking to wear the SPF15 or higher. I tend to get a really high one for the kids and then not protect myself. Silly, right?

  10. I burn the minute I step out into the sun so I have to always carry sunscreen. I have to add this brand to my arsenal to protect the whole family.

  11. Blue Lizard sounds like a great sunscreen to try. I love that the bottle will turn blue. I will have to pick some up to try.

  12. The boychild is in camp so these tips are perfect to get us through the summer. Thanks

  13. I thought you were protected if your skin was covered. I will be mindful of that next time we head to the beach.

  14. This is the first time I heard about this brand. It sounds like a great product and I would love to try it.

  15. I’d like to invest in sun protective clothing for our son for next swim suit season.
    Even though we’re African American, our dark skin needs projection too.

  16. I love blue lizard sunscreen! We have a bottle of it stashed in every bag and every car and in the backyard!

  17. Sun protection is so important. Wonderful tips. This looks like a great brand

  18. I have heard great things about Blue Lizard sunscreen. I need to get it online bc I don’t think I’ve seen it around here.

  19. I am from Florida and it is so important to use sunscreen all the time. I always need sunscreen so thanks for the coupon!

  20. These are great tips for sun safety! It is so important to take care of your skin!

  21. I did not know that broad spectrum meant protection against both types of UV rays! My sun safety tip would be to wear sunscreen even when it looks cloudy or overcast. I learned that the hard way.

  22. I recently learned the importance of sun protective clothing, especially for my kids! I definitely keep a bunch of sunscreen on hand, especially in Florida

  23. It’s crazy to think that you can get burned through your clothing. I agree, it;s definitely important to protect your skin against the sun.

  24. Sunscreen is important, even on shady days. I couldn’t believe I got burnt on a shady day.

  25. Sunscreen is so important. I admit I don’t always wear it like I should.

  26. What fantastic tips on avoiding sunburn. I should get some Blue Lizard for the youngest kid, who tends to need a stronger, longer-lasting brand of good sunblock.

  27. Since I seem to burn easily I have to remember these tips. I can never forget to bring sunscreen!

  28. This sounds like a great brand. I will have to try it we go through a lot of sunscreen.

  29. Never heard of this brand before. I wonder if we have it in Massachusetts?

  30. Also wearing a hat with a large brim is important to keep the sun off your neck or face. I’m constantly re-applying sunlotion to my kids when they’re outside.

  31. I’ve never tried Blue Lizard sunblock. I love that the bottle changes color!

  32. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    I almost never wear sunblock, but my kids always do. And yes, you sure can get burned through clothing….ouch.

  33. Blue Lizard is the best sunscreen I’ve ever tried. As long as you remember to reapply it the way you should, it’s fantastic stuff!

  34. Blue Lizard is the best sunscreen I’ve ever used! I got it for a review, and I was hooked.