Traveling with Cottonelle FreshCare and Fun Repurposing Ideas for Kids


We love spending our summer taking day trips and traveling whenever we get a chance. The one downside to traveling? Public restrooms. On our recent trip to Six Flags, the ten year old spent time in every bathroom in the park at least once, prompting my son to say, “I’ve don’t know anyone else who goes to the bathroom this much!” Our trip to Houston was a sixteen hour drive. Believe me when I say we managed to hit every rest area in four states. This wouldn’t be so bad except we always seem to find the only restroom around without toilet paper. Talk about putting a damper on our clean routine!


This week, when shopping for our supply of Cottonelle at Target, I happened to see a new to me addition to their family, FreshCare flushable cleansing clothes in an upright container. Beginning to imagine all the possibilities, I added a package to our cart. My mind reeled with the things I could do. I planned to add them to our beach and travel bag and keep a box in our car for sticky messes. I’m not sure how but my kids seem to be able to spill things on themselves whenever we are out. The wipes are also good to wipe our hands when we’re not able to wash them on the go or to help with a makeup smudge. I have a lot of those with the humidity soaring! They are also alcohol free, which means I don’t have to worry about them drying out my skin. In a pinch, I use them to remove makeup when I forget to bring my skin cleanser on vacation. I also planned to keep a supply in the kids’ bathroom since the kids think the toilet paper roll magically replenishes itself.


I don’t have to worry about these clothes clogging the septic system because they break up after flushing. Having dealt with overflowing toilets in my time, I try to avoid that at all costs! These wipes are refillable too so one dispenser helps me save money and the environment. If you find yourself with extra dispensers I do have a few ideas on how to repurpose them.

  • Crayon or Marker holder for the kids—Let the kids decorate the outside with stickers or markers and then fill with markers or crayons.
  • Boredom Jar—Fill with strips of paper with suggestions for kids to do when they complain they are bored like “create a collage” or “bake cookies with mom.”
  • Treat Jar—whenever you find spare change lying around the house add it to the container. When its’ full, count the money and splurge on a family treat.
  • Potty Training Container—Add a sticker to the outside of the container whenever your child goes potty. When they have added a certain number of stickers they can open the jar and receive a small treat you’ve stashed inside.
Repurpose Your Cottonelle Upright Dispensers too!
  • Do you have ideas on how to use Cottonelle FreshCare wipes as part of your daily care routine?


  1. I seriously LOVE your ideas on how you could repurpose the Cottonelle upright dispensers once you’re finished using them. I love your idea of using them on vacation. Talk about convenient. 🙂

  2. I love the ideas to re-purpose the containers. I have one of those I haven’t used yet. I will have the kids use it for something instead of throwing it away.

  3. I love your treat jar idea. We always have spare change laying around and that’s a great idea. Those cleansing cloths are great

  4. I love the flushable cleansing cloths because you never know when you are going to need them when you have children. I imagine that they are a godsend when it comes to long distance road trips.

  5. My daughter absolutely hates the rough feel of toilet paper but it’s so costly to use baby wipes! I might have to pick some of these up and see if she likes them.

  6. My youngest spends way too much time in the bathroom. It gets a little crazy sometimes. I love re-purposing containers, too.

  7. I love all your ideas. I love recycling containers too. I also love having wipes on hands.

  8. Great ideas!! I love to repurpose items in my house as well.

  9. I love all Cottonell products! The wipes are simply amazing and completely necessary! I do not know how I got along without them before!

  10. Ha Ha! Our household is always running out of toilet paper, too. I love when Target puts the larger packs on sale, that is stock up time for me! Your ideas for the empty containers are perfect. Thanks for sharing!

  11. It’s definitely a good idea to keep some of these in the car for traveling and emergency stops.

  12. I haven’t tried Cottonelle Fresh wipes, but they sound like a great idea. I’ll look for these on my next shopping trip.

  13. Stuff like this is great to have in the glove compartment – you never know what you’re going to run into when you have to brave a public restroom while traveling!

  14. I love to keep the travel pack in my camera case vacation, so handy. Absolutely love your ideas for recycling the containers! What a great idea to add the wipes to your beach bag, too, will have to borrow that one!

  15. We love the Cottonelle Fresh wipes, they are perfect for my kids no matter where we go and I LOVE your re-purpose solutions… soo cool.. I never thought of collecting our lose change… so clever. Thanks for sharing