Travel Made Easy with ASUS Transformer Book

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This summer I decided to try to live life to the fullest. I want to travel more, spend time with my family and work on projects around the house I’ve been putting off. As a blogger I still have to spend time on my laptop, which means it usually goes on my travels with me or, if I have something pressing that needs to be broadcasted at a certain time, it rides along on errands with me. I’ve been annoyed with dragging a bulky laptop through airport security or around in my car, so when I was asked to be part of the Intel 2 in 1 Squad and test the ASUS Transformer Book T100 Chi , powered by Intel Inside, I was excited.  I knew the only difficult part would be keeping it away from the kids!
Asus T100

The Asus Transformer Book is small and compact,  measuring approximately ten inches in length.  It has a slim design, about one inch tall, and can easily fit in a purse or a small carry-on bag.   I am more of a keyboard kind of woman than a tablet, so it was nice to see this tablet looks and feels like a small netbook.  If you’re not a fan of keyboards, not to worry, the device comes apart easily. The first time I pulled the pieces apart my son, who thought it was a netbook because of the design, looked at me and said, “Mom! Did you just break the computer?” He had it snapped back together in less tan ten seconds. Another plus is the sturdy feel of the keyboard.  While the keys can be a little small for those of us who spend most of our time working on a laptop, the keyboard has the same feel as my laptop keyboard.

The touchscreen tablet itself runs a Windows Operating System, allowing me to work with the system I use regularly.  Memory Space is a bit cramped with only 32 gb storage, but it’s perfect to keep kids entertained on road trips, check email, browse the web and do basic blog chores, especially since it has an eleven hour battery life. That’s enough to keep the kids occupied for a long trip. Of course, don’t forget to pack the cords just in case!
Thin Design

My kids claim I am cursed with bad luck when it comes to computers. I never, ever, ever go without buying an extended warranty.  Naturally, the first thing I looked for when the computer arrived was the warranty.  The warranty  on my computer seems to cover everything; including a one year accidental damage protection plan  for spills, drops, surges and fire.

Overall, this Transformer lived up to my expectations. It’s fairly lightweight, at 2.4 pounds, it transforms easily between a tablet and a laptop, and with the keyboard attached, the tablet pushed back far enough to easily see the screen,  I found the screen resolution and lightness to be fine for me to see. The Asus Transformer book is very reasonably priced for a small tablet combo.

Have you used an Asus Transformer Book T100 Chi? What are your thoughts?


  1. I really need a new computer. This looks fantastic!

  2. That looks like a great computer. Easy to use on the go too which is always a plus.

  3. I am a huge fan on ASUS products. I don’t have any experience with the transformer, but I have had my laptop of years and never had a problem with it. I used it as a desktop for a long time and recently bought a new ASUS desktop and could not be happier. I tablet is an iPad and my phone is iPhone which makes for some pretty interesting conversations about technology sometimes.

  4. That sounds like a pretty cool computer! I’ve never seen a computer with a detachable keyboard before!

  5. I will be going on a road trip net month. I want to be able to blog at night but I dread bringing my heavy laptop. I think something like this would be much better!

  6. I haven’t used one of the ASUS tablets but would love to get my hands on one. They look so versatile.

  7. You are right you know. This transformer Intel book is perfect for bloggers like us. I hate lugging around my huge laptop when I travel.

  8. I’m looking for a new PC laptop so this may be one to look into! I like how small/compact it is!

  9. We love our asus. Looks like a great laptop.

  10. Looks like a great tablet/laptop. So handy to have.

  11. This really does sound perfect for travel! I hate taking my bulky laptop with me, and this would be a great substitute!

  12. Jennifer Williams

    That is exactly what I want for my next computer. I love that it can be both a tablet and a computer though I have not used windows in years, so there would be an adjustment.

  13. Of course I think anyone reading this is tech savvy – and would really want this – or maybe it’s just me? But the Asus Transformer Book just seems like something I want and could use! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  14. I love that it’s an all-in-one kinda product. It would be perfect to take on trips for sure, vs. lugging my laptop around. That can be really inconvenient! I’ve never owned an Asus product before, but I’ve heard great things about them.

  15. I have not tried it. I am on the market for a new laptop and this one would be great. I love that you can detach keyboard

  16. I’ve never tried the ASUS Transformer book but I want one! It looks completely cool.

  17. Wow what a small computer! Looks super portable and a great accessory for a blogger.

  18. I travel a lot so this would be helpful…I struggle with staying connected and blogging while on the road.

  19. We have an ASUS! I LOVE the touchscreen tablet!

  20. This looks great, nice and compact too. Perfect for blogging on the go!

  21. I’ve never used the Asus Transformer Book, but it looks like a great piece of tech. Now that my kids are getting older, they all need their own devices. This might be just the thing.

  22. This post is right on time for my summer travels. First year as a real travel blogger and I NEED this!! Thanks for sharing!

  23. This is really cool! Will depend on your mood if you use laptop or ipad.

  24. This sounds like a good computer to have on hand for travel because of its size and weight. I like that it can go from tablet to computer!

  25. That Asus looks really nice! I love how sleek it looks.

  26. Looks like a great tablet to try. I know Asus is a good brand.

  27. I haven’t heard of this one but it looks perfect for travel or taking it around town with you when you need to have your laptop. I really like it!

  28. I have not used one. I do like the features.

  29. I never understood the premise behind a device that is both a tablet and a PC until I tried one for myself. Now I could not imagine traveling without such a vital piece of equipment.

  30. Oh wow it’s a tablet too! My son uses an old ASUS laptop for video editing. This sounds like it would be great for that when traveling!

  31. This looks really nice! I love the whole turn a laptop into a tablet thing. I love mine!

  32. I have never used one before…It really looks like very smart design.

  33. I like how you can detach the keyboard. I have never tried an Asus product, I need to check this out.

  34. I hadn’t seen this particular laptop in the stores yet. I love having my tablet but not for blogging. My laptop has all the shortcuts I need when writing. This looks perfect for traveling. I will have to check it out! Thanks for the great review!

  35. That looks really great. Asus is a great brand, and Intel is my favorite processor.

  36. I have used another computer like that. I love the detachable keyboard.

  37. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    I need a new laptop and this one sounds awesome. Asus is a great brand.