Save on Summer Celebrations with Family Dollar

Although we have a large family reunion on the 4th of July, I like to plan a smaller celebration a few days before the fourth for our immediate family. Summer is grilling season and we love to have a cookout whenever we can so this was the perfect excuse. I wanted a festive atmosphere while adhering to
a budget. With this in mind, I headed to Family Dollar with the kids. Our challenge? A Backyard Bash, complete with decorations, for around $15.

We found a cute All American center piece, a tablecloth, napkins and plates for $1 apiece. Once our decorations were set, we turned to menu preparation.

My daughter, unfortunately, was sidetracked by the makeup selection. “Mom,” she exclaimed, “They have LA nail polish and eye liner for a dollar each! We have to paint our nails red, white, and blue!”

I grabbed a copy of the Family Dollar ad to see what deals were available and found store coupons we could combine with manufacturers coupons. I was pleased to see several items had “peelies” attached to them, enabling me to purchase 2 Liter Dr. Pepper’s for 85 cents each and a package of hotdogs for a buck. As you can see one of the Dr. Pepper’s didn’t make it until I could snap a picture.

We planned our outdoor celebration on July 1st. Because the temperature spiked to 113 degrees, we enjoyed a short time outside before rushing back indoors with our chili cheese dogs, potato chips and Dr. Pepper.

For dessert, in honor of an amazing Gooey Butter Cake we tried during a visit to St. Louis, I searched online for a recipe and made a “not from scratch Gooey Butter Cake.” It was good but didn’t taste as flavorful as I had hoped. I am continuing my quest for the Ultimate Gooey Butter Cake. When I find the amazing recipe I will share.


  1. Just discovered how awesome dollar stores are. I used to feel weird shopping at them, but they’re a great saving tool.

  2. I love me some Family Dollar.

  3. i didnt know you could use coupons at the dollar store! Looks like you guys had fun!

  4. We LOVE Family Dollar. We got my son’s toddler pool there!

  5. Great buys, especially with you coupon bonuses! Score! again 🙂

  6. Family dollar is a regular stop for us. I love how the patriot nail polish became part of your celebration 🙂

  7. I’ve been a family dollar fan for a long time. They have nice products for lower costs and I can always find something there.

  8. I always shop family dollar for my party supplies

  9. i love that you even did nail polish 🙂