Mastering photography

I am a frequent visitor to a variety of blogs and am always amazed when I see near perfect, magazine quality photos on their sites. I was drawn to the clarity, the beauty, and the nuances of their photos. In short, I wanted to create beautiful photos too! I began my quest with basic editing software provided through google plus. I made progress and my photos improved but I knew they still lacked “oomph.”

After watching a friend’s progress through a course provided by Social Fabric, I wanted her skills! The “before” and “after” pictures she provided made me slightly envious. When I discovered Social Fabric was offering another SoFabU photography class sponsored by Sears, I applied as fast as my fingers could click! Sheer luck enabled me to be one of the first twenty who enrolled, enabling me to embark on a seven lesson journey to becoming a better photographer.

I shudder with embarrassment when I look at some of the first photographs I used on my site. The lighting is poor, the backgrounds are often too cluttered, the quality is amateurish at best.

Through trial and error, the patient advice of friends,  plus the use of basic photo editing software by Picasa, my photos have improved to the point where I do not want to run screaming from the room when I see them publicly displayed. However, I have plenty of room for improvement.

With the purchase of my new Sony Digital Camera, I’m ready to learn! I look forward to sharing my journey and tips as I progress through the class. I’ll leave you with a couple of shots I made with my new camera. I haven’t edited them so we can (hopefully!) see progress during the next six weeks. I focused on Nature shots because the class has an outdoor angle.

What photography tips do you have to share?


  1. I’m finally getting around to commenting on all the Week 1 posts! I love your pepper picture! It looks amazing.

    I, too, look back at my pictures and think, “Wow, those are horrid…” I appreciate all that we’ve learned already in the class, and can tell that you’ve already picked up some great techniques!

  2. I know what you mean about earlier photos I am just looking forward to what this class brings as well, also your peppers look so good!

  3. I need to take lessons too so have not tips to offer. I’ll be following your tips to learn.

  4. I can’t wait to go along in this class. (I run screaming from my early photos, too!)

  5. You are already showing great improvement! Just wait until the end of the course! I was tickled every step of the way! So glad you have an opportunity to participate!

  6. I am stoked and we are going to be the ones other Bloggers envy when we are done! It’s about time because I drool at pretty pictures right now. 🙂

  7. Very nice color and focus depth. I wish I knew enough about photography to offer some good advice. I’m just a point-and-click sort of guy.

  8. The picture of the peppers is outstanding, I let my daughter in law take all the pictures.
    She has taken college photography courses and takes beautiful pictures.

  9. What an educational class. I do not have any tips, but I just play! It is fun to experiment with settings on my camera, I’ve learned a bit over the last few months just messing around:)

  10. I’m excited to be taking the class too. Anything to get a better food photo. I just wish I had a DSLR to play around with.

  11. It’s going to be a great class … can’t wait to see the progress we all make!

  12. Don’t feel bad, I think most of us started out with pictures we’re not so proud of. I’m looking forward to getting better, too!

  13. Great work on the photog. 🙂 I love to take pictures of architecture. People are not my fav, because I can’t ever capture the light in the eyes properly.

  14. Happy to be part of this class with you! Can’t wait to see how much we all grow with this.

  15. I love your shot of the peppers. I’m still trying to learn to take beautiful pictures.

  16. That sounds like a great class. I’m a member of Social Fabric and will keep my eye out for other classes.

  17. I have been trying to learn how to take better photos too.

  18. Your outdoor shots are beautiful. I always try to take my important photos outside in natural lighting

  19. This course will be fun! Can’t wait to see all we learn and all the improvement!

  20. This is a class I truly need. Like you, my photos have improved over time through trial and error. Looking forward to hearing more about your lessons!

  21. I love those shots – I can’t wait to see how this class goes and what you learn! I am currently budgeting to get a DSLR camera at some point in the hopefully near future. I do my best with what I have but my camera is several years old and about as basic as it gets…there’s only so far I can take it with what I have, LOL.

  22. looks great! i want one of these classes!! what camera did you get?

  23. Gosh I wish I had gotten into this class, I could really use the help with my photos!!!

  24. Wow! Maybe I need to take the class! I always thought photography was just a skill I was born without. I can’t wait to see your journey and steal all your tips and tricks, cause I have none to share!