How to Make Vanilla Sugar with Vanilla Beans

One of my daughter’s favorite activities as a child was to have tea parties. She would add sit her dolls around her table, along with whatever parent or sibling could be roped into a party, and instruct us on how to drink tea.  “Pinkie finger out!” When the tea stage wore off, she settled down with Southern Iced Tea until a couple of years ago, when she rediscovered her love of proper English teas.  There’s an authentic English tea room located in downtown Chattanooga that serves flavored sugars. Naturally, I took one look at the sugars and thought, “Hey! I could make these at home.”  This vanilla sugar is so easy to make; taking only two ingredients. There is a quick method, taking five minutes to make, and a longer method. I’ve included both so you can choose how quickly you want the sugar.
vanilla sugar take 2

All you need is one cup of sugar and one vanilla bean.  Split the vanilla bean in half with a knife. Now you’re ready to make your sugar.
vanilla sugar with vanilla beans

For the quick easy method, place the vanilla bean in the food processor or blender until finely chopped. Mix the sugar and ground vanilla together. Store, tightly sealed, in a cool, dry place.
vanilla bean with knife
If you would rather try the longer method,  add 4 ounces of sugar to a mason jar. Place the split vanilla bean on top of the sugar. Cover with 4 more ounces of sugar. Seal tightly and shake. Store in a cool, dry place and shake once a day for a week. Voila! The sugar is ready and you can add more sugar  to the jar whenever your supply starts to run low.
Vanilla Sugar no text

I’ve heard from friends that the vanilla sugar is also a great topping for muffins and quick breads. You could also make cinnamon sugar easily by grinding up a cinnamon stick and substituting it for the vanilla.

Do you have favorite recipes to make  your own sugar and spices?




  1. Oh, I love vanilla sugar! This is probably much more economical than the price I pay at the store for it. I’m looking forward to trying out this recipe!

  2. Great post. Pinned and tweeted. We are so thrilled to have you at our party. Please stop by tonight at 7, so we can see your amazing projects. Lou Lou Girls

  3. That sounds so good! I’ve never had Vanilla Sugar before!

  4. Sounds yummy and interesting. Pinned for later. I bet this would be great in my coffee!

  5. This is so easy – perfect gift for a coffee lover that uses sugar. Pinned

  6. What a great idea! I don’t do white processed sugars often, but this would be such a nice treat when I do eat it!

  7. I love this! I wouldn’t have thought of it. I’m def going to try it soon.

  8. What a nice and easy treat. I am definitely going to try this out. I can think of a few recipes that would work awesome with this.

  9. I had no idea this was so easy! I will be putting this on the list of “to-do”‘s.

  10. I haven’t made my own spices. But I have been thinking about making them.

  11. I love making fun sugars to use. This would be a great thing for doughnuts or something like that!

  12. This is great, thanks for sharing it. I have used vanilla extract to make coffee creamer, but I bet this will be even better.

  13. I have a friend who loves to make everything from scratch. She would love being able to make this at home.

  14. I don’t put added sugar on anything, but this would be awesome for when we are baking something fun!

  15. I love vanilla beans for recipes. Using coconut sugar is a great alternative too! 🙂

  16. This is such a great idea. I have made cinnamon sugar before and it was great. I will have to make some for my baking this weekend.

  17. There is nothing like the taste of real vanilla. I am definitely going to be making this and I will probably try the cinnamon as well.

  18. I love your step by step tutorial. I have never considered using vanilla sticks

  19. That is so easy peasy! I have never used vanilla sugar before, but I might have to try it!

  20. I make my own cinnamin sugar. This sounds great and I am going to try it.

  21. Ohh I wouldn’t have thought of making this, what a neat idea idea and tasty sounding.

  22. I love using real vanilla bean. This would be a yummy sugar for desserts

  23. My gosh, Pam – I’ve never heard of flavored sugars (duh) – and didn’t even know that you could make vanilla sugar – thank you – so much fun and you saw and conquered!

  24. I didn’t know it was so easy! Now, if I could get the vanilla beans a little cheaper than they currently are!

  25. vanilla sugar? Who knew. I should try this one for sure. Seems so simple

  26. I never would have guessed it would be so simple! I can’t wait to try this!

  27. Vanilla sugar sounds so good! It’d be great on top of muffins that need just a tad bit of sweetness 🙂

  28. I can see how it would be good for topping muffins. I do love a good sugar topped muffin!

  29. My husband is allergic to corn, so most vanilla extract is out. I have been meaning to try this with the sugar, but I keep forgetting. I’m excited to try this.

  30. Didn’t know I could do this, what a cool idea; I’ll have to try this for sure!

  31. I certainly wouldn’t have guess that it would be so simple to make Vanilla Sugar. I would try it the long way just so I can keep adding more sugar to it.

  32. Oooh that looks so nice! I would love to make and try this one day.

  33. How interesting. Never thought to flavor my sugar.

  34. Wow, does that sound good. I have never thought about making my own flavored sugars but those would really make quite a few desserts very unique tasting.

  35. Wow, this is cool. I didn’t know there was such a thing!

  36. Helene Cohen Bludman

    I love the taste of vanilla, especially fresh from the bean. Great idea for making vanilla sugar at home.

  37. I could use this for so many cookies and desserts. This is such a cool idea! I’ll have to try the second method.

  38. I would never have thought of this but it’s a brilliant idea! Definitely trying it.

  39. Sounds like an excellent recipe if you are craving some vanilla sugar in your life. The pictures make it look so pretty.

  40. Wow this is really great to know! I had no idea, but it sounds great I will have to give it a try!

  41. I never made my own sugar blend before. Could I use this in coffee? If so I bet it tastes wonderful!

  42. I never thought of doing this before. What a brilliant (and delicious smelling!) idea.

  43. I make cinnamon sugar but never knew vanilla sugar was so easy. I can’t wait to try it

  44. I love the blend of Vanilla and Sugar. It’s my two favorite things to use as I bake. I use it often in my cookies.

  45. I make my own spices and herb blends. I grow the herbs in my garden, in the fall I dry them out and make batches for myself and little jars for my friends and family to remind them of summer all year round!

  46. Vanilla sugar sounds really yummy. I have never made my own sugar I can’t wait to try it.

  47. Never tried my hand at making my own sugar before, but this looks easy enough for even me not to goof up! LOL 🙂

  48. I have a vanilla bean and you know those are expensive! I never knew what I could do with it! Fabulous.. pinned.

  49. That is pure genius! And it’s ridiculously easy to do. Thanks!

  50. How cool. I would never think to make this, but now I’m curious. Thanks for the recipe, I think I’ll try it out.

  51. Oh Vanilla sugar sounds really yummy! I love making my own taco seasoning!

  52. oh my goodness this is going to be perfect for a recipe i have been wanting to make this spring.
    anything with vanilla is something that interests me.

  53. I have never tried using actual vanilla beans. Sounds yummy.

  54. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    That sounds awesome. I never would have known how to do this, but I will definitley be trying it.