Girl Scouts Teach Us Healthy Habits

This post was brought to you by Together Counts and the Girl Scouts, but all opinions and experiences with the Girl Scouts  are my own.
I was an adventurous child, always ready to try something new. My mother was not adventurous, but wanted me to experience new things like hiking, canoeing and horseback riding. When I entered first grade she enrolled me in Brownies, a division of the Girl Scouts, and our pack met every year through tenth grade. I learned new skills and developed confidence, courage and character. I knew when my daughter was old enough, I would enroll her in Girl Scouts too. It’s a family tradition!
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My daughter’s troop did even more physical activity than we did. They explored local caverns, learned intricate medieval dances, and encouraged parents to join in the fun. We had a marvelous time on field trips and learned a thing or two in the process. Because the Girl Scouts believe in the importance of physical activity, they have partnered with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to develop three Healthy Habits journey booklets, available for free to Daisies, Brownies and Juniors, along with Girl Scout Volunteers and families. The booklets include:
Between Sky and Earth With Healthy Habits
Wow! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits
Get Moving with Healthy Habits


The activities in each book are designed to promote energy balance, an initiative of the Together Counts program, to inspire active and healthy living with proper nutrition and physical activity. The program explains the concept of “energy in,” the calories you get from eating and drinking versus “energy out,” the calories you burn from physical activity. You can learn more at the Together Counts website, a source of tips, recipes and resources, or at the Together Counts blog, focusing on healthy eating habits and incorporating more physical activity.  Be sure to check their twitter account and Pinterest account for updates as well!

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I learned so many skills in Girl Scouts I still use today; cooking, first aid, basic sewing skills. I also learned fun physical activities I’ve passed along to my kids. Hiking as a family is one of our favorite physical activities. If you are interested in learning more about the Girl Scouts, check them out on Facebook and Twitter.

together counts

 Did you or one of your daughters belong to the Girl Scouts? What is your favorite memory?


  1. I remember wanting to do Girl Scouts when I was young but I did 4H instead. I did have my daughters do Girls Scouts when they were younger. I thought it was great all the activities that they did together with the other scouts.

  2. Girl Scouts is a great organization. It teaches a lot of good principles.

  3. I am actually a GS leader! I just signed up and I am super excited to work with such an amazing organization!

  4. I was in the girl scouts and now my daughters are too. I agree that there are many wonderful things about GS!

  5. I was in Brownies and Girl Scouts. 🙂 We’re about to have our first Cub Scout meeting for the boy next week. 🙂

  6. I loved being in Girl Scouts! There are so many great things that can be learned.

  7. The Girl Scouts is such a valuable program to young girls. They inspired true ‘girl power’

  8. I was a Brownie, then a Daisy. I have such great memories. I hope to get my daughter into Girl Scouts one day.

  9. My kids would love to join! I have always wanted to be a Girl Scout myself!

  10. I was a girl scout a very long time ago. I learned so much!

  11. I remember my girls in Girl Scouts – years ago (ahem). They still have friends in that troop and girls they went to camp with. It really opened them up!

  12. I was a Girl Guide when i was a little girl. I loved all the crafts we would do. Selling the cookies was a fun time of year as well.

  13. I was in brownies as a kid (Canadian version of girl guides) and loved it. I actually
    Want to get my girls into it as well! Great post!

  14. I was a girl scout for a couple of years and really loved the experience. Being able to hang out with other girls with similar interests was so fun. Plus, the cookies 😉

  15. I was a girl scout. I love scouting, but I find it hard to get involved where we live. There is always a waiting list.

  16. Scouting runs in our family. I still have the picture of Mary learning archery, so enjoyed seeing the picture of your kids enjoying the Camporee experience. I think I had a better time being a leader than I did a Brownie, Cadette, and Girl Scout – and those were stellar opportunities.

  17. What a great program for girls to learn everyday living and life skills. Sounds like fun!

  18. I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout. Such wonderful memories I hope to share with my daughter

  19. I love what the girl scouts are about. I have 3 girls that would be a great addition to GS.

  20. I was never in girl scouts. I was too shy as a little girl to do many extra activities.

  21. None of my family has been a part of Girls Scouts. It’s great to know that you still use many of those skills and that your daughter will get to benefit from them as well.

  22. I actually don’t know much about Girl Scouts, but from what you describe they sound like a great organization. I want to check them out for my daughter – she is extremely adventurous.

  23. I wanted to be a Girl Scout so badly, but my mom wouldn’t let me. She made me join our church’s version which was NOT the same. Yes, I’m still bitter.

    Also, I let my daughter join and she started as a Brownie. That’s the kind of mom I am. lol

  24. I was a girl scout growing up, its such an amazing program. I cant wait to enroll my daughter when she gets bigger 🙂

  25. I’m so glad there’s an organization like Girl Scouts out there. There are so many bad influences out there for little girls, it’s nice to know that there’s at least one really great one.

  26. I was a Brownie and always wanted to be a girl scout… ha! I would love to get my girls involved…

  27. I was not a Girl Guide but I was a Brownie. I remember how much fun it was to meet new friends, learn new skills and get badges. My daughter was a brownie as well and loved it. Great programs for girls.

  28. We have Girl Guides here in Canada and though I was never in it, all 3 of my girls were. They teach amazing things but most of all, support and confidence – something all girls need to be surrounded by!

  29. Both my girls were scouts and love it. Their best memory is the 5 day canoe trip they went on, it was quite an adventure.

  30. I was in the Girl Scouts, and loved it. Wish I could have stayed in longer, but it was hard with moving so much. If I had a daughter she would be in a local group for sure.

  31. I loved being in girl scouts when I was little! We had so much fun from meetings to field trips! I’ll never forget when we all went to see Annie in a broadway type show!

  32. I was in girl scouts when I was a kid and I loved it. Nice to see it is still around and helping girls!

  33. No girl scouts here but my son was a boy scout. He did learn a lot about being healthy and making healthy choices when he was involved.

  34. My daughter is in girl scouts. I love the positive interactions that the scouts encourage.

  35. My little girl actually just signed up! Her first meeting is next monday!!

  36. I was a Daisy, then Brownie then Girl Scout! I loved camping… those are some of the best memories!

  37. I think it’s so great the things that Girl Scouts teaches women! I am considering putting my daughter in when she is old enough.

  38. Girl Scouts is such a great organization. I was in Camp Fire girls. It was a lot of fun. Great memories.

  39. I did girl scouts for a little bit as a girl. It was fun. But I don’t remember much of it because I didn’t stay very long. I was really young. But I have a lot of friends who have daughters in it and they love it and the skills the girls learn.

  40. I’m giving serious thought to enrolling my daughter in Girl Scouts. I want her formative years to be filled with positive reinforcement.

  41. I was a Girl Scout! I loved all the things I learned and remember being very proud when I’d earn a badge.

  42. I was a Girl Scout for many years. The program kind of fell apart within our school system when I was a little older, but I have fond memories of my scouting days!

  43. I love Girl Scouts so much. There are so many less that savory influences out there for little girls. Girl Scouts is a great counter to them.

  44. I am thinking on whether or not I should put my girls in girl scouts. I think they really would benefit from it so greatly!

  45. Please, God let there be more organizations like Girl Scouts. My 8 year old niece is a good girl, and I know we’ll never have a problem with her, but I just want to vomit every time I see her walk by jamming to Miley Cyrus 2.0 or Nicki Minaj and “shaking her booty butt” as she calls it. Blech.

  46. Girl Scouts is great! The teach self-discipline and self-worth. Two things that are in very short supply in today’s world.

  47. Girl Scouts is a great organization. In this world of twerking and booty shaking, we need more influences like Girl Scouts.

  48. I love everything Girl Scouts stands for. We need more positive influences on our young girls.

  49. I remember being in Girl Scouts when I was a child. I don’t remember it a lot since I was only in it a couple of years but I do remember the activities. My oldest was involved in scouts and we had a lot of fun. I need to check into my son joining Boy Scouts, I bet he would love it.

  50. I was a girl scout for many many years! Earning badges was my favorite. I don’t like it much now, but I’m an EXPERT camper.

  51. I was a girl scout when I was a little girl and it was an amazing experience. Now I have all boys, so we are a boy scout family!