Five Ways to Stay Healthy This Winter

Thanks to Robitussin for providing us with a Feel Better package. All opinions are my own.
Winter is finally here, even if it doesn’t feel like it. There are candy canes, Christmas trees, and holiday shopping deals galore. Amid all the hustle and bustle, travel, and spending time with family, it’s easy for you to catch just about every cold that comes around. After all, nothing says holidays like a stuffed-up nose and lots of sneezing, right? Luckily, it’s easy to help protect your health this winter: you just need to make some extra time to yourself to do it! Here are five easy ways to stay healthy this winter.

1. Eat a balanced diet. It’s easy to binge on cookies and eggnog and plan to start eating healthy again after New Year’s, when you no longer have an excuse to pig out. However, eating a healthy and balanced diet is one of the best (and easiest) ways to stay healthy. Sure, you could take a multi-vitamin, but most nutrients are best absorbed right out of the food you eat. Staying nourished will help your body be able to fight off any bugs that come along!

2. Stay hydrated. Feeling a bit off after too many days indulging in holiday cocktails? It’s no wonder- your body is primarily water, so you need a lot of it to stay on top of your game. If you indulge in alcohol, try to get 1 eight ounce glass of water for every beverage you imbibe. Whether you do or don’t drink, try to drink somewhere around 8 eight ounce glasses of water daily. Some people need more, and some people need less. Carrying a reusable water bottle with you at all times is a great way to keep your water intake on track. If you’re not a fan of plain water, try adding flavoring, fruit, or drinking unsweetened tea instead.


3.Wash your hands. This is such simple advice, it’s almost embarrassing to include it. But have you ever considered all the times you touch something- at a grocery store, for example- then touch your face without even thinking about it? Many illnesses could be prevented through proper hand washing. Bring along hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes for when you can’t get to a sink, and wipe down things like grocery carts before you touch them. After all, the person that grabbed that buggy before you might have been picking up medicines for their kid who had the flu, and you don’t want to get what they had!

4. Get plenty of rest, even if it means you have to delegate.
Sleep deprivation is a real issue in the United States, and it’s been proven to have some pretty negative effects on your health. Even though the holidays are notoriously busy, you need to get enough sleep and take plenty of breaks. Don’t try to take on every task or attend every party. Keep a reasonable schedule and don’t be afraid to say no to some commitments. Obviously, you can’t get out of everything, but who hasn’t taken on too many holiday projects and found themselves stressed and sick?


5. Be Prepared. Unless you have the best immune system ever, you can’t avoid all the winter crud. Make life simpler for yourself and anyone else in the family who might come down with something by having a fully stocked medicine cabinet and plenty of supplies. We like to keep orange juice on hand for the Vitamin C, a hot water bottle for aches and pains, plenty of reading material for those sick days stuck in bed, and some easy to prepare foods for those days when you just feel plain crummy. We also keep Robitussin products in our medicine cabinet, and take them at the first sign of a cold. Nothing is worse than staying up all night with a cough or cold symptoms, so Robitussin has a place of honor in our house. Along with the cough relief that we’ve come to rely on, there is multi-symptom relief, sugar free cough syrup, and whole line of children’s remedies. If you’re not sure what to reach for on the shelf, check out the Relief Finder on the Robitussin website and find the right relief at the click of a button. Combined with soothing tea, hot showers, and rest, Robitussin is the sure fire way to treat a cold in our house. So bundle up, make yourself a glass of something, and beat your cough.
How do you stay healthy during the winter?

* It is important to remember to always read and keep the cartons for complete warnings and dosing information on Robitussin® products and to use as directed
* Only take product if suffering from cough, cold, or flu symptom
* Products should not be used in combination. See label for directions


  1. I can get the worst cough during this time of year! I already have a stash of Robitussin ready to go!

  2. I am actually gonna guy a Netflix card soon! Robotussin has came a long way!

  3. We have had tough this year with common colds. We use this product in our home as they have a line for everyone. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Janell @ Saving You Dinero

    I always make sure we have this in our house. It’s the first thing I grab when someone starts to get sick!

  5. Robitussin has always been a go-to in my house. It’s always in the medicine closet.

  6. Netflix is the best to watch when you aren’t feeling well! We keep Robitussin products in our home when we aren’t feeling well too 🙂

  7. Wish I would have found this earlier. I already have an annoying cold

  8. Robitussin works! It’s all I use and I keep a ton of it on hand!

  9. These are great tips. I am notorious for drinking tons of water and washing my hands. I definitely need to work on eating better though.

  10. I stay healthy by making sure I am eating and drinking enough. Especially water and making sure I get enough sleep. This winter I can’t take any medication so I really need to stay healthy.

  11. I think being prepared is so important. Make sure you are staying healthy before the nasty happens. Netflix makes it all better though. Laying around and watching movies or shows can make any situation a little better!

  12. These are all great tips! I try to get as much rest as possible because when we are tired and lacking sleep, our immunity to viruses and bacteria is at its lowest. I also make sure I stay hydrated.

  13. Getting a flu shot is a good step for dealing with the winter season.
    I like your comments on sleep and hydration.

  14. These are great ways to stay healthy, thanks for sharing this information as I am sure it is super helpful!

  15. We don’t usually stock up on cold medicines till someone gets sick. THankfully no one has gotten sick yet 🙂

  16. I just had a massive head cold hit me a few days ago and am still feeling the effects. If it’s still ongoing tomorrow, I am definitely going to go get me some Robitussin!

  17. These are great tips. And, if you do get sick, those are all great products! We’ve been using Robitussin for years!

  18. Robitussin is a brand I have used for years. These all sound very helpful to stay well and/or fast healing!

  19. I stay healthy during the Winter by drinking lots of herbal tea with honey, taking Vitamin C, and taking a teaspoon of organic honey once per day. Washing hands is key too! I do need to drink more water. Thank you for the recommendations!

  20. We have been battling coughs around our house for the last couple of weeks and they are the pits! Robitussin definitely offers some relief and having some on hand is always a good idea.

  21. I am currently sick as a dog! I wish I had Robitussin on hand! I haven’t been sick in forever and I’m currently on vacation. Not fun at all!

  22. I should keep a stash of Robitussin just in case. I’m really hoping no one ends up catching a cold this year though. These tips will help!

  23. Rest I know is really important, but unfortunately I don’t get a lot of that! I’ll have to stock up on Robitussun!

  24. I am so glad we are stocked up too because soon the viruses will be in full swing. As soon as it gets cold again1

  25. I actually have been using Robitussin for the past few days because I’ve been coming down with a cold. I always keep one in my medicine cabinet.

  26. I try to keep my hands washed and dress in layers to stay warm when the weather is cold.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

  27. I try to keep myself healthy with lots of water, hand washing, and vitamin C. I have zero time to be sick!

  28. I totally need to give this a try – i completely admit I am awful for forgetting to care for myself over Winter. x

  29. I have been using Robitussin since I was a kid. I seriously works!