Embarrassing Kid or Just Funny? You Decide.

#cbias, #shop, #motherfunny

When you ask moms how they would describe parenting you hear answers like, “It’s so rewarding!”  or “I’m blessed with the best children ever!”  While these statements are usually true, moms often make parenting sound like a cake walk. There’s never an embarrassing moment with the kids and their life is perfect.  I’m not that mom and thankfully, Nickelodeon supports me with their new NickMom #MotherFunny  site which lets me know I am not alone.   As my daughter often tells me, “Most parents who have an exceptionally strong willed first child never have another child. No, seriously, Mom, why did you have more after me?”  I think she says this because she wants to be an only child, but it is too late now.

#shop, #motherfunny, #cbias
Reading their Kids Say the Darnedest things cracks me up. One by Katelyn, age three, said, “Mommy has a meanie problem.”  That’s what my daughter must have thought when she was  a toddler.  Standing in a checkout line of a crowded store she grabbed a piece of candy and said, “I want this.” “Not today,” I told her, “Put it back.” She immediately clutched the candy bar to her chest and yelled, “NO! Don’t beat me, Mommy!” Heads swiveled from all directions and people stood with their mouth agape, glaring at me, while she screamed, “NO! Don’t beat me!” over and over.  “Stop that,” I hissed, while smiling at the people around me. “I don’t beat her,” I offered weakly, while patrons continued to glare.  To this day my daughter thinks this story is hilarious.

#cbias, #motherfunny, #shop
Water Skiing Fail.

She continued her precocious ways into early elementary.  One day as I was teaching a math lesson in my classroom, a knock on the door interrupted me.  “You need to speak to your daughter,” the PE instructor said, “She bit someone.” “What?” I was horrified.  “Why on earth would you do that?” I asked.  “We were standing in line and he kept kicking me. I told him to stop and he wouldn’t,” she explained,    “But I didn’t bite him.”  “Your PE teacher said you bit him,” I reminded her.  “No,” she added in a logical voice, “I bit his shirt. I missed him.  I am still mad about it.”  When I told his mom about it that afternoon, she was philosophical. “He shouldn’t have been kicking her,” she said, “and, after all, she missed.”  Several years later, at a high school awards ceremony, I was chatting with the other mom.  “She’s still mad she missed him and only got his shirt,” I said.   “Just tell her to go ahead and bite him and get it over with,” his mom laughed, “he probably deserves it.”  Thankfully, the elementary episode was the only biting incident and she didn’t take his mom up on her offer to let her bite him while they were in high school.

cbias, #motherfunny, #shop
She doesn’t look like she would bite someone.

If you want to have a laugh for the day when you feel like you are the only parent who is not the perfect  mom, visit NickMom.com for some serious laughs and a dash of perspective.  If we can’t laugh at our embarrassing moments, life is going to be awfully dull.  Like today when I told my son I was writing a post about Nick and embarrassing kid moments.  He looked at me seriously and said, “Use my sister. She has a lot more embarrassing moments.”

What is your most embarrassing moment as a parent?


  1. I’m curious to find out what blog system you are
    using? I’m having some small security problems with my latest site
    and I’d like to find something more safe. Do you have any suggestions?

  2. OH my gosh, Pam! Your daughter sounds like a hoot! I love the “Don’t beat me!” story! When my kids are being naughty in public and I go to reach for them to keep them still or to take the toy they’re trying to steal out of their hands, they cover their heads with their hands like I beat them. I’m always like, “Would you stop! You know I wouldn’t beat you in public!” I’m still waiting for someone to take me seriously and call DCF. I’m glad to know your daughter survived all of her beatings. 🙂 #client

  3. I have heard of the NickMom website but haven’t actually checked it it out. There are days when I need a good laugh so I am off to check it out.

  4. Oh my gosh I feel for you about the “don’t beat me” story. How uncomfortable that must have been. What a little stinker she was!

  5. Oh I don’t even know what I would DO if my kid screamed “don’t beat me” in a store! How awful! (But funny for those hearing it! :))

  6. Aww, how cute and funny! Sweet girls, I love the first pic. 🙂

  7. Hahaha I love the first picture. Love how kids come up with funny pose in pics.

  8. Your review hit the money on the head regarding parenting. I absolutely love your pictures. I can say that many – many people can relate to the statement about not judging them by their relatives – too funny. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Kids say so many things that make you want to crawl into a hole but they make for great moments to laugh at later!

  10. Finally–somewhere to go where you can count on hearing real mom stories and with a sense of humor. You’re right, it’s not always a cakewalk. I’m glad your daughter passed on the option to bite the boy years later. Too funny.

  11. So funny after the fact, isn’t it all? Lol! I’ve definitely had my share of interesting and embarrassing moments with my son! Thanks for the giggles!

  12. Too funny! I was “blessed” with children that were the same way. The “Don’t beat me Mommy” was one that was used on me too!!

  13. HAHAHAHHA!!! Love it! Your daughter sounds awesome! 🙂 Determined, but awesome! Its also great to know that other moms go through this.. my children………. oh my children! 🙂

  14. This is such a funny and sweet story. My youngest son has a knack for getting me into embarrassing situations with the things he says and does sometimes. I guess this is all just a part of childhoods and of their innocence.

  15. No she doesn’t look like a biter, lol. But you sound like a great mom embarrassing moments or not!

  16. Oh my gosh, this is too funny. The biting story had me cracking up!!

  17. This is great! hahaha! I always love when my one-year-old son let’s out a loud fart and everyone looks at me!

  18. hahahahaa i love that she was mad she missed him! that’s um…

    well, that’s just like me.


  19. Oh man, that’s hilarious! My mom once told me that when I was little, I once said to an aunt, “Why do you have a mustache?” Ooooh dear!

  20. My boys are very embarrassing and I sometimes dread being out with them. They are loud and obnoxious and the things they say when others are around are sometimes mean and rude. Going to Walmart with them is always an experience. 🙂

  21. I’m loving all of these Mother Funny posts! You’re pics are good, love the skiing fail lol.

  22. LOLOLOL – that is totally something my kids would do to me! Hilarious story.

  23. All of my children are unique and crack me up in different ways. They have actually gotten easier as we have gone along in regards to behavior. With 3 it is hard to pinpoint one particular embarrassing moment, there are MANY. 🙂

  24. LOL my first child was so well behaved and mild mannered. I always say it’s a good thing he was the first one. 😉

  25. Great post. Oh boy there are a lot but I will never forget when my son got caught throwing wet paper towels in the boys bathroom. They were wadding them up and throwing them up on the ceiling so they would stick. They then would fall later in the day (hopefully on someone who was using the bathroom at the time). It wasn’t too funny at the time but I can look back at it and laugh now. He actually was in 4th grade and was suspended for that for the afternoon. Thankfully he never did anything like that again.

  26. I was one of those children that caused embarrassing moments. When I was in the first and second grade I use to tell people I was born on an escalator stairs. I thought it sounded cool because I loved riding those things. I now understand why my mother would be so upset when people asked her about my birth.

  27. You are a lovely mom Pam 🙂 your story is hilarious and i loved reading this 😀

  28. Thanks for the smiles and the chuckles. Your daughter sure had you on the ropes with her Don’t Beat Me store tantrum. I know you wanted to drop through the floor then, but it is hilarious. I really enjoyed reading this.

  29. I love that she was mad that she missed him, honestly I warn people before I bite (not literally) too! Parenting is definitely a world of surprises.

  30. I am not a parent, but I am all about laughing at embarrassing moments!!! It’s either laugh or cry, right? Might as well make the best of it because we ALL have them!!

  31. “Not don’t beat me Mom?” Yeah she would have had to be on punishment for that one lol

  32. LOL – a little boy in my son’s preschool went on and on about how his parents have lots of snakes at their house and they are so scary and crawl around their house. Turns out that they don’t have any snakes. His mom was really confused and embarrassed. 😉

  33. Haha – that is awful that she yelled not to beat her. I’d be totally embarrassed too! My son is getting to the age of saying embarrassing things. One that pops into my head is that he said that my Mommy pees her pants too.

  34. Hahhahha…. love that story. Don’t beat me Mom… Well, my Daughter was such a handful as a teen and we actually didn’t really like each other sometimes. Now, she is my best friend and someone who knows me well. I can tell her anything without being judged. Love when they grow up into a caring human being.

  35. How funny … I loved the first picture and glad to know that I’m not the only “not” perfect parent out there .. Lol… My kids always come up with funny things that crack me up .. Thanks for sharing