Classic Popsicle Jokes

One of my favorite summer memories from childhood is going swimming with a group of my friends at the community pool. After we were tired from our day of swimming, we gather by the pool, dangling our legs into the water, while someone’s mom would hand out Popsicles. “Do you want orange, cherry or grape?” they would ask. After receiving our treats we would enjoy the icy goodness and with orange, cherry or grape stained fingers, read the joke on the Popsicle stick to each other when we were done. I carried this tradition over with my kids and their friends. We would swim in our neighbor’s pool and then settle by the side of the pool with a Popsicle when we needed to take a break. Here’s a secret: I always keep a box of Popsicle Fudgsicles in the freezer. They’re only 40 calories each so they are the perfect treat when I crave something sweet! This post sponsored by Lunchbox. Opinions are 100% my own.
Popsicle Scribblers

Popsicle has come a long way since I was a kid with more flavors than ever. My kids are fans of the Jolly Ranchers and Scribblers, and we never miss a chance to celebrate with the Red, White and Blue Popsicles during the 4th of July.  My kids still read the jokes on the Popsicle sticks to each other. Here’s a few of our favorites:

Question: What did Mr. And Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter? 
Answer: Patty
Question: What are the Smartest Animals?
Answer: Fish, because they stay in schools.
Question: What’s a cow’s favorite activity?
Answer: Going to the MOOOOvies.
Question: Why didn’t the rooster go on the roller coaster?
Answer: He was chicken.
Question: Where does a dog sleep?
Answer: In a pup tent.
Question: Where does the dog hate to shop?
Answer: At the Flea Market
Question: How do pigs talk?
Answer: Swine Language

We find lots of Popsicles at our local Dalton Kroger store.  If you are looking for a Kroger store or family of stores, visit the Kroger Store Locator to find one.

What is your favorite flavor of Popsicle?


  1. These jokes are so hilarious! My son and I are laughing our heads off!

  2. My kiddos are all about corny jokes. We love them. We also love Popsicles and get them all the time I love banana!

  3. Yummy! My kids love popsicles. I liked the jokes. Thanks for the laugh.

  4. I love when kids start to tell corny jokes. It’s so cute how they laugh about them.

  5. I loved those jokes, no matter how corny they are, it still made me laugh! Thanks for letting us in on the giveaway. Popsicles are always fun to have around the house.

  6. Rocket pops are our favorite popsicles. My friends little ones love hearing new jokes. I will have to share this with them.

  7. Popsicles are always good no matter what time of year it is. Especially if you are sick or have a sore throat. My favorite flavor is Root Beer but those are almost impossible to find now days.

  8. I remember eating popsicles as a kid. They are so much fun!

  9. Popsicles are the best part of childhood. I love to enjoy them during any season.

  10. Grape is my favorite popsicle flavor. I love the ones with jokes on them… they are exactly my sense of humor (childish and corny).

  11. You had my munchkin crowd in stitches with your jokes! Thanks for the clean laughter today

  12. How nice. They look so amazing and refreshing. It is still hot outside so we need to check this out.

  13. Popsicles are fun already and they’re even better with jokes. These are some funny ones.

  14. My oldest loves corny jokes like that LOL. I will show these to him!