Don’t Miss the Cat Must Haves Christmas Shopping List!

It has finally happened. I had been teetering on the edge for years, but I have finally launched over into “crazy cat lady” status. At two recent events I attended, while everyone was showing pictures of their families, I passed around pictures of Mitzie wearing her Hello Kitty dress. This is not as strange as it might sound, as lots of other people showed me pictures of their pets too. Let’s face it, a lot of us have extremely spoiled pets! I know my cats each have their own unique personalities from Sassie, the snooty, antisocial kitty to Okie, who we say “is not the smart one.” From being condescending to just out right silly, our cats let us know they rule the roost and we are only here for their pleasure. When people say cats are picky, they are right! Ours are always happy to let us know what they want and what they turn up their nose at. With Christmas just around the corner, I’m partnering with the Boombox Network with some shopping suggestions for Cat Must Haves for your pet loving friends, because it is always a good idea to score brownie points with their pets.

Cat Must Haves Shopping Guide

Let’s think about some of these goodies. People may not believe the Beware of Attack Cat sign, but if they ever met Sassie they would change their tune! This is a cat who used to try to pounce on people’s faces when they slept (perhaps to show them who was boss) and would give a sharp painful bite whenever things did not go her way. I’m pretty sure this sign was made just for her! As for the Paw Cleaning Litter Mat, my cats feel it is their sworn duty to see how much litter they can scoop out of their box and onto the floor!

  1. Attack Cat Sign – Could be a joke, or could be the truth. Ever had your ankles scratched from under the sofa? Still a great sign you can order now and pick up at Petsmart.
  1. Motorized Cat Mobile Toy – Keep your cat engaged anywhere you can find a door. Get some exercise for that indoor cat with Pioneer Pet Tiger Toy from Kohl’s.
  1. Paw Cleaning Litter Mat – Clean the Litter off those paws as they step out of the litter box. Order it from Wayfair.
  1. Pounce Toy – Natural Bamboo and canvas, natural and durable for lots of fun by Ore Originals from Nordstrom.
  1. Cat Paw Litter Scoop – If you must have that scoop hanging around, then at least make a statement! It’s an Ore Originals paw from Nordstrom.
  1. Catnip Shaker – Wow, a shaker of catnip! Sprinkle it on those special places, like scratching posts, or perches for a special treat. Buy this organic catnip at Abe’s Market.
  1. The Cat Whisperer Book – Secrets on how to talk to your cat, if your cat is willing to listen, right? Give it a go – you never know. Find it at Petsmart.
  1. Heated Window Sill Bed – The perfect window perch for your indoor cat and heated for the winter. Order it from Wayfair and have a happy cat!
  1. Kitty Cave – Easy to clean, more colors available, cat bed and a little cat cave, all in one. Find it at Kohl’s.
  1. 1000 Piece Cat Puzzle – Does your cat sit on your work? Let them walk across this puzzle filled with cats. Pick this up for yourself or the cat lover in your life from Get Organized.
  1. Yoga Cats 18 month Wall Calendar – Really, cats in asana poses? Up Cat, Down Cat, and mostly Corpse pose, right? World Market carries this great calendar you can use right away.
  1. Cat Shelf – Wall Art that doubles as shelves! Wayfair carries this fun series of cat perches.

Do you have a cat lover in your life? Which gift do you think they would like to receive?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Boombox Network . This post contains affiliate links.


  1. I think all the cats need to buy YOU a present for putting together this great list. There is no excuse for cat owners not to find a great gift for their feline family now.

  2. I’m so excited to shop for my kitty this year. We’ve only had her for a few months.

  3. these are so cute. I need to get one of these for my sweet kitty.

  4. I’ve seen the cat yoga calendar before and loved it. There’s just something entertaining about pets doing human things! My pets are definitely spoiled!

  5. I need to bookmark this page and come back later. My mom is a cat lover!

  6. These all look like great products! We definitely need that litter box mat!

  7. I don’t have cats so this is a great list of what to give to my cat loving friends. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I’ve never seen a cat shelf before. That’s really cute!

  9. I used to LOVE giving my MIL’s cats catnip!That stuff is totally amazing at making cats go nuts!!

  10. I dont’ have a cat but I really want that cat yoga calender. It would look so good over my desk at work.

  11. We have a cat window shelf. I bet being in Michigan we could stand to have the heated version.

  12. I got a kick out of yoga cats! My yoga teaching friend would love that one.

  13. Those are fantastic gifts for cats! I will be sure to pass this along to my sister who has two kittens.

  14. These are adorable gifts for cats. We may actually be getting a cat before the year is out 😉

  15. That paw cleaning mat looks pretty cool! We always get the fur babies holiday gifts in our fam!

  16. I love my cat and we always include him when we give gifts for Christmas. You’ve got some great ideas here.

  17. Cute items – thanks for the listing. I have a cat lover on my “To Buy for List”. Your gift guide will really help me pick a great gift!

  18. This is so cute! Some lucky cats are going to be spoiled!

  19. This list of products will definitely make for one happy cat

  20. Sounds like you have an attack cat. My cat would love the toys.

  21. Even the cats are getting their Christmas lists in early this year…just like the kids, hahaha I like the cat puzzle!

  22. OMG if only I had a cat.. I hope we get a cat at our next house.

  23. My cat lover friend goes crazy for this list.

  24. No cats here. But these gifts are really cute. Great ideas

  25. You’ve given me some great ideas for my cat’s stockings this year.

  26. We have a cat, but I am not a cat person. My children do adore the cat.

  27. Haha, I absolutely love the Cat Yoga calendar! My aunt is a cat lover. Everyone else pretty much has dogs.

  28. Catnip is the best!! You put together an excellent list. I’ve never bought my cat any gifts, but this is a fantastic resource if I want to.

  29. One of my cats is right next to me, and I know she would love that heated window seat!

  30. I totally have to show my mom this shopping list! She loves to shop for her pets!

  31. I remember when my cat was alive she loved catnip. The circle bed looks so comfy for a cat too!

  32. I know my daughter’s cat well enough to know she’d love that pounce toy! I should totally get it!

  33. We can’t have cats because the hubs is allergic. These are some great toys/supplies, though! I know they would make any cat super happy.

  34. I love your list of cat must haves. We just adopted a mama and her two babies and they are a total mess,

  35. I think my kitties would love the motorized cat mobile toy. The ledges are pretty cool too, but they already have a big bay window that they sit in, so I think the toy would get better use.

  36. Helene Cohen Bludman

    Oh I could go crazy picking out gifts for my cat from this selection. The Beware of Attack Cat sign would be perfect for her!

  37. Ha, ha, ha… When I had cats, each of them had their own stocking. It was my way of keeping them involved in the holidays with us

  38. my cat does not love extras, we have a plush bed that I don’t think she has ever been in it. Great list

  39. Oh, those are adorable. I love the heated window sill bed. There’s nothing cats love more than watching squirrels and birds from the window. It’s cat TV!

  40. this is a great complete list! i am not a cat person but if i was i know what i would want to buy.

  41. Heated window bed looks awesome! My cat is always in the window watching! The yoga cats is hilarious!

  42. Super cute!
    Almost makes me wish that we had a cat… ROFLMAO!
    Love the cat shelf.
    Ours were always climbing where they shouldn’t have been and knocking stuff down.

  43. Ha, bet any cat would be LOVING these selections! The yoga cats book is hilarious

  44. Yoga cats?! hahaha That is one hilarious gift for a cat lover. Thinking of getting it for my sister.

  45. The Yoga Kitties crack me up! 🙂

  46. I definitely need that litter mat. I’m getting so tired of cleaning the bathroom floor because my cat thinks he needs to kick and make a fool of himself.

  47. I AM the cat lover in my life! My cat is just like a child. I am loving the heated window sill ledge. I need to see if we could have one for our cat.

  48. Even though we don’t have cats this will be perfect for my sister. She is always making new purchases for her Josie.

  49. Our kitty makes out better on Christmas than any of the humans I know! LOL. I’m thinking he would like the heated window bed.

    • I thought that would make a great gift for my friends cat. Her cat is always in the window and I know it gets cold in January – since we live in Wisconsin,

  50. It looks like you’ve thought of everything for our feline friends. Great list of kitty gifts you have here.

  51. My cat would surely enjoy some of these goodies for Christmas. I don’t usually buy her gifts but maybe this year she’ll get something special.