Ain’t No Fleas on Me!

This post is sponsored by Perrigo Animal Health, and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the launch of a new topical flea and tick treatment, but Simply Southern Mom only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Perrigo Animal Health is not responsible for the content of this article.

“Your cat is anemic, has anorexia and might need a blood tranfusion,” our vet informed us. I stared at her in shock. I knew Sassie had been listless for the past few days, but wasn’t sure how it had came to this stage. “What caused this?” I asked, thinking she must have some dreaded disease. “Fleas,” she answered. “Wait a minute,” I protested, “I put flea medicine on her every month!” I was sure our status as responsible pet owners had gone down the drain. The vet assured me that she believed me, since Sassie had flea treatment on her neck, but it was not working for her. After an alternative treatment plan and days of me force feeding Sassie electrolyte replacement, she finally started to improve. That’s when I vowed to get serious about flea and tick prevention.

Did you know fleas and ticks are not only dangerous to pets, they can be dangerous to humans as well? Fleas can transmit tapeworms, while ticks can spread Lyme disease. I don’t want my family or my pets to get these things. Yuck! Plus, do you know how fast these things multiply? They’re also masters of hiding, slinking around in pet beds, floor cracks, rugs, carpets, grass, soil and sidewalk cracks. These nasty pests are just waiting to jump out at us! This year we’ll be trying PetArmor® Plus flea and tick protection for cats. Rio and Minnie will not be left out, they’ll be using Flea and tick protection for dogs.  The cats and dogs will be happy to be pest free, and I’ll be happy because I do not like parasites in my house. Just the thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies.
petarmor for cats

PetArmor Plus contains Fipronil, the same active ingredient as FRONTLINE® Plus, but costs up to 40 percent less than vet prices. That’s important when you live in a multi-pet household! It not only kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice, but it is fast acting, long lasting and waterproof.

I want everyone to have no pests in their home, but please remember these important tips when purchasing flea and tick prevention products:

  • Only use the product on puppies over 4 lbs. or kittens over 1.5 lbs.
    Only use the product on pets 8 weeks of age or older
    Buy the right product for their pet’s species and weight
    Don’t split tubes between pets


Flea Free and Relaxing!

This year I plan to sing the ain’t no fleas, ticks, or anything else on me and my pets song (as soon as I write it, of course.) What do you do for parasite protection on your pets?


  1. We used Frontline plus & one of our dogs had a skin reaction & the product only lasted 3 weeks. So if Pet Armor has the same ingredients we won’t be using it either. Our vet recommends Advantage & we used to use it & it worked no problems & lasted 4 weeks we’re going back to it even though it costs more.

  2. because it protects the safety and health of pets and people

  3. I learned that this product is waterproof.

  4. UGH! Fleas carry worms? Oh man, that’s like a double whammy. 🙁

  5. Because I don’t want my dog to be miserable! And I’ve had fleas and…it’s no picnic!

  6. Its important to me because fleas and ticks can jeopardize my babies health and I am for anything that keeps them safe.

  7. I love that it kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice for up to 30 days and that it is waterproof!

  8. Flea and tick control is important because our pet’s health is important.

  9. I like that it has the same ingredients as Frontline Plus but costs 40 per cent less.

  10. Fleas and tick protection are important to me as not only do they make our pets feel miserable but can also carry diseases to the rest of the family/

  11. PetArmor Plus is just as effective against fleas and ticks as FRONTLINE® Plus

  12. Fleas can be bad here in the south at times and protecting my dogs & cats AND myself is crucial!

  13. This product will come in handy to give peace of mind with protection for my pets

  14. It is important for several reasons–keep the animals comfortable, prevent insect borne diseases, and keep the pests out of my home!

  15. I am glad that it comes in formulations for different size animals.

  16. Melanie Montgomery

    It takes care of ticks too. Which is great because they can latch on to humans!

  17. Flea and tick prevention is important to me after I contracted Lyme disease in December 2011..It was not fun!

  18. I am excited to try this since my yard is filled with ticks since we live near woods. I learned fleas and ticks can be present year round, even in colder climates, and can lay dormant for several months before hatching,

  19. it is important to me to keep my dogs and cats healthy and happy

  20. I learned that it is waterproof formula breaks the flea life cycle by killing flea eggs and larvae for up to 12 weeks and kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease.

  21. I like the fact that it is waterproof. That makes me really want to try it out instead of the one we use now on our pets.

  22. I love that they offer a money back guarantee

  23. Flea prevention is important to me because my dog suffers from flea allergies, so her skin gets pretty bad when she’s infested enough. 🙁

  24. I’m excited to use it because it’s much cheaper than frontline!

  25. It’s important to keep fleas under control so that they don’t get into my furniture and carpet.

  26. I like that it uses the same active ingredients that is in Frontline Plus because that is what we use for our dogs!

  27. It’s important to me because I love my dogs and want the best for them!

  28. We don’t have ticks in our area but we do travel with our dog and I like that PetArmor kills ticks.

  29. Selinda McCumbers

    We had a small problem with fleas this past year. I hate how hard it is to get rid of them for good if they start to have a problem. My poor dog and cat were not happy at all!

  30. Selinda McCumbers

    It has the same active ingredients as Frontline!

  31. Flea and tick protection is important to me because we have a Beagle whom likes to venture into the woods and then into our home. She loves sleeping on the foot of my boys’ beds, so I want to make sure she doesn’t bring any welcomed guests into our home.

  32. Vet recommend and last for up to 12 weeks!

  33. it’s important to rid cats of fleas and ticks because they harbor disease

  34. I learned the active ingredients are fipronil and (s)-methoprene, the same ingredients that are in frontline plus which is available through your vet

  35. I like this sweepstakes

  36. Flea and tick protection is important to me because I want my fur babies to be healthy.

  37. I like that they have different packages based on your pet’s weight

  38. My older cat enjoys basking in the outdoor sun so flea and tick protection is a must as there are many feral cats roaming through our neighborhood.

  39. This waterproof formula breaks the flea life cycle by killing flea eggs and larvae for up to 12 weeks and kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease.

  40. Melissa Shirley

    It is important to me for the health of my children as well as my pets. I have seen a family member go though Lyme’s disease and it is scary. So I do not want that in my house.

  41. Melissa Shirley

    I learned that you should use this product monthly so that it works the best.

  42. Darlene Carbajal

    I like that it has the same active ingredients than Frontline and it costs less.

  43. Darlene Carbajal

    It’s important to me because fleas, and especially ticks, can make your pets sick.

  44. It is important because it can cause lyme disease.

  45. I learned that PetArmor Plus kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice for up to 30 days and is fast acting.

  46. Nice giveaway! I love that this will protect my cat as effectively as Frontline for less!

    • It is important to control fleas to me not only for my pet but for my family as well.

  47. I currently use Frontline Plus on my cat, so I was excited to learn that this product has the same ingredients and will offer my cat the same amount of protection.

  48. while my cat is indoors only, it is still important to guard against fleas and ticks since they can be brought into the house, a few years ago I had a big problem with that as my mom was feeding strays outside and we were bringing in tons of fleas to our indoor cats.

  49. Petarmour is just as effective as frontline.

  50. It’s important to keep your pets flea free. Fleas can cause all kinds of other problems in pets.

  51. Flea and tick protection is important to me because my dogs are more than just pets.

  52. I like that “PetArmor Plus is just as effective against fleas and ticks as FRONTLINE Plus”.

  53. we use this too!! much less expensive for us. i’m also wicked sensitive to flea bites ( lived in a place that was infested once, thanks to a roommate) and live in constant fear of fleas

  54. Our dog used to HATE her medicine. Her doctor gave her some that we can put into a treat.

  55. We use this stuff but the dog version for our pooch! So far, it has been working well and keeping her flea-free and itch free.

  56. oh i’ll that to look at this more, looks great. We have 2 cats and a dog so this is a must.

  57. i do not have a cat but silly me I didnt even know cats get fleas! i thought it was a dog thing!

  58. Kills ticks on dogs.. Which is great, because I dont want live ticks in my house!

  59. Glad that you were able to get your cat taken care of. We have to take all kinds of preventative measures with our pup who was heart worm positive when we adopted her. Great that these products are available.

  60. I love Pet Armor! It will be about that time of year again soon.

  61. I love that you can treat your pets at home. This makes it so easy.

  62. It is that time of the year again. Fleas and other critters are waking up. I always protect my fur babies with Flea Medicine.

  63. Visited and learned PetArmor Plus provides six-way protection and will kill adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks, chewing lice and prevents the development of flea pupae. It controls mites that may cause sarcoptic mange and kills deer ticks that can transmit Lyme disease

  64. I am so sorry about your cat. This is heartbreaking. I am glad you found a product that helped

  65. We live in a rural area so fleas and ticks can be a problem. I get my goodies from the vet. I had a really bad experience with an OTC flea remedy. It ate through my cats skin and she died. Pretty sad ordeal. So, I just don’t take the risk and run everything through my vet first.

  66. Aw they are little beauties. It’s good that you posted the tips too, for when not to use or what not to do with the product. I think that is especially true for the size/weight. It can be easy to want to get a product like this for a kitten, not even thinking twice about that info.

  67. Nobody wants fleas! I hate knowing that they are pestering my pets, but it’s also bad when they are in my carpet or on my furniture. Keeping pets protected means we are all safer.

  68. What a great giveaway. Flea and tick season is right around the corner, so this is a very timely article. By the way, your pets are precious.

  69. We treated our dogs every month to protect them from fleas and ticks. So important to keep them healthy.

  70. I have FISH for this very reason joking I love cats and dogs but treating fleas can be very tricky I always feel so bad watching my friends and family give their pet’s flea treatments but it is a must or the family pets become live dinners for the tiny flea creatures.

  71. I am so thankful my pets have never had fleas, I can’t imagine how much of a pain it must be to treat it!

  72. Flea and tick protection is important to me so my pet stays healthy.

  73. I love that they offer a money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied for any reason.

  74. Your kitty is so cute! I have two cats that stay inside but its good to know that there are good, safe products to use against fleas.

  75. I don’t believe we have fleas in our area of the country but I almost want to protect our dog just in case. I would never want him to have to endure something like this!

  76. When we got our pug from a rescue, my gosh, the fleas on her were terrible! I would bathe her and blood would just pour out of her coat from all the bites they were giving her. It took about a month, but we finally got rid of them all. A good flea preventative is an absolute must!

  77. I can’t even imagine what a hassle fleas are to everyone involved! So important to keep up to date on our pets!

  78. Ugh I’m not looking forward to flea season. I have to put some of this on our dogs so we can be sure they too are flea free.

  79. Fleas can be a big problem here in Florida. We treat our puppy with a Flea repellant, but it’s important to us to make sure that the whole house is protected. I’ll need to look at Pet Armor Plus when we run out of our current medication.

  80. Flea and tip prevention is so important! Thanks for sharing!

  81. Vickie Couturier

    we usually have flea issues during thesummer months,we have one dog and one cat we try to treat them regularly to keep they safe from fleas

  82. Vickie Couturier

    I learned
    This waterproof formula breaks the flea life cycle by killing flea eggs and larvae for up to 12 weeks and kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease. PetArmor Plus is just as effective against fleas and ticks as FRONTLINE® Plus.1

  83. We treat the cats every season. I hate the thought of fleas on them!

  84. Flea and tick protection is important so that my dog stays healthy.

  85. I learned the waterproof formula breaks the flea life cycle by killing flea eggs and larvae for up to 12 weeks and kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease.

  86. I’m so glad there are easy ways to treat fleas like this. Flea prevention is a good measure to take too.

  87. So important to keep our pets safe, especially now that my dog is going out and playing more since the weather is getting warmer. Time to do this for my pooch!

  88. This is a product I use and sure could spare to get more of if I win! Love this product. It works great.

  89. We have 3 cats and a puppy! I will keep this in mind if we get a problem.

  90. I haven’t used this specific brand but it sounds great! We use another one and it works really well. I will check this out if available here!

  91. This is great information for people with pets. I don’t have any pets, but I will share this with friends and family that do.

  92. Tis the time of year! I should stock up now before the bugs come.

  93. We don’t have pets yet, but we thinking about getting one. Thanks for this great information!

  94. It’s so important to keep pets flea free. Not only will fleas infest your house, they carry worms!

  95. Would love to try Pet Armor, our 2 dogs are always in the woods getting ticks, would like to see how well Pet Armor works versus our current treatment.

  96. We do not have any pets but I so could see where fleas would be a big problem. I wish they had this when I was younger and we had dogs.

  97. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    Thanks for the reminder. I need to treat my dog for fleas again soon.