5 Tips For Creating A Calming Bedtime Ritual

Thanks to Stress Health, an initiative of the Center for Youth Wellness, for partnering with us on this post. All opinions are our own.
Good night, sleep tight” is a phrase most people have heard probably for their entire lives. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated the importance of getting enough sleep, but it’s hard to do in today’s high-powered world. According to a 2018 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 60 percent of middle school students and 72.7% of high school students reported getting less than the recommended amount of sleep each night. While kids with too little sleep may not seem like a big problem, it is. A study by University of Houston researcher Candice Alfono found that continually experiencing inadequate sleep can eventually lead to “depression, anxiety and other types of emotional problems” in children. This is especially problematic in children with Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, who may already struggle with toxic stress. Do you want to help your child get the rest he or she needs? Here are ways to create a calming bedtime ritual.
5 tips for creating a calming bedtime ritual

Tips for a Calm Bedtime Routine

Bedtime rituals work well with people of any age. It may take a few days or weeks to adjust to the bedtime rituals, but according to sleep medicine specialist Brandon Peters, MD, of Seattle, these rituals help us unwind and prepare to sleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try these activities for a better night’s rest.
5 calming bedtime rituals

1. Unplug to unwind. Did you know that the blue wavelight from phones, tablets, and computers increases our cortisol levels, making us more alert? Blue light also reduces melatonin, a hormone that helps us sleep. That’s why the National Sleep Foundation recommends turning off all devices at least an hour before bedtime. It’s hard to break the habit of “checking in one more time” before bed, especially with teens. If your children are like mine and want to be connected at all times, it helps to have a designated area away from the bedroom to leave phones, computers, and iPads.

2. Create a calming sleep environment. Create a room that’s pleasant and peaceful for your child. That could mean different things to each child. Some children can’t sleep with any type of noise or light. If that’s the case, investing in a white noise machine for their room and some light-darkening curtains could make all the difference. Some children find that a nightlight and soothing music help them fall asleep (unplug everything after they fall asleep, though, to reduce the risk of fire). Each child is different so it may take some time to find the perfect environment, but it will pay off in the long run.
healthy sleep routines

3. Create a nightly routine. It’s important to follow the same steps every night as much as possible. This will let your child’s mind and body know that it’s time to relax and begin to get ready for sleep. Try to make this routine involve several calming activities. Some good suggestions are to try are a warm bath, a small bedtime snack or glass of warm milk, tooth-brushing, reading a book together, or singing a special bedtime song. This is the perfect time to spend some special time with your child, cuddling and snuggling or just talking about their day. Try to spend fifteen to 30 minutes on the nighttime routine to help them unwind.
calming sleep routines

4. Provide Security. Let’s face it, today’s children are stressed. (You can take the ACE stress health quiz to determine their stress level here.) Find out what your child needs to feel secure at night. For some children it might be a favorite toy or blanket for others, it might be a nightlight until they fall asleep. Feeling secure will help your child relax, allowing them to fall asleep faster.

5. Ask questions. As children get older, they will discover their own rituals that relax them, such as reading a book before bed or sleeping in a completely dark room. Ask them what helps them fall asleep and incorporate it into their sleep plan. Finding what works will help develop good sleep patterns that last a lifetime.
5 calming bedtime rituals

Does your child have trouble sleeping? What calming rituals have you tried that work to help them sleep?

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  1. Love your sleeping ritual tips. Fortunately it won’t work in my house. I need to get a struggle get them brushed and put them into the bed.

  2. Great tips. We wind down by reading and then say our prayers. My kids never have a problem drifting off.

  3. Having a routine is very important when it comes to bed time! Starting it when they are young is important too – then you’re not fighting with an older kiddo and change

  4. A bedtime routine is so important. Especially for both kids and parents. They thrive when they are rested. These are great tips.

  5. These are all such wonderful tips. I always make sure to have a routine. My kids go to bed around the same time each night and of course brush their teeth and such before bed. We also unplug at a certain time at night.

  6. It is imperative to establish a routine so the kid knows it is sleep time. Getting the right ambience is so important. This is for kids as well as adults.

  7. Kids love routines. And it’s so important to create beautiful bed time rituals. Thanks for your advices!

  8. I need to be better about a bedtime routine. These are great tips, and even for older kids they are useful. I think too often we get into a routine of using electronics.

  9. Great tips! When my children were younger, we always had a bedtime routine. Bedtime stories were always a favorite.

  10. These are so important to establish a bedtime routine. We do many of the same things every night!

  11. These are fabulous tips to share for making it easier for kids to fall asleep at night. We do many of these things for our kids to get them ready for bed. We love taking the time to read to them at night. It is fun for all of us.

  12. A warm bath and a good story were always important parts of our nighttime rituals. I wouldn’t read the entire book. I’d save a few pages for the next night. That trick always worked.

  13. Yes, the ritual is so important. I can remember that I had a 6 step ritual for my daughter and often she was snoozing by the 5th step!

  14. We have a bath, brush teeth, book bedtime ritual. It works well until the hubby comes home and decides to have wrestling time before bed. Haha!

  15. My kids always had bedtime rituals and it helped so much to ensure a good nights sleep. Even as an adult, I find myself keeping the same bedtime rituals most nights.

  16. these are some great ideas. My daughter could be tough to put to sleep. Normally a book would help. Now that my kids are older, we talk before bed, which is awesome.

  17. My brother has a hard time to get his kids to sleep! I know he has some routine but maybe a few ideas here will help them.

  18. We did all of these things when our kids were little. It works for adults as well. We all need a good nights sleep