5 Ways To Inspire Children To Love Music

Have you ever noticed listening to your favorite song makes you feel better? Researchers have noticed that too. In fact, they’ve discovered all sorts of health benefits associated with listening to music, like increased memory function and stress reduction.* But, music doesn’t just help adults. Music education helps kids develop creativity, helps develop language and memorization skills, and even improves coordination.* Teaching children to love music isn’t complicated. Here are 5 Ways To Inspire Children to Love Music.
5 Ways to Inspire Kids to Love Music
Thanks to Musician Authority for sponsoring this post.

5 Ways To Inspire Children To Love Music

1. Listen to music with your child. This is an easy one! Crank up the tunes when you’re driving, when you’re cooking, or when you’re doing chores. I’m partial to classic 80’s songs, but I have playlists for everything from country to gospel to classical to today’s hits. Play different types of music to allow your kids to develop their own tastes.

My First Workout

From the time my kids were preschoolers, I’ve allowed them to make their own playlists. We’ve listened to everything from songs from the Pokemon soundtrack to Rodeo by Aaron Copeland. Be prepared to hear the same songs a lot even if they’re not your personal favorites.

2. Play music in the background during activities. We have playlists for everything at our house! There’s a cooking playlist, an exercise playlist, a cleaning playlist, a gardening playlist, even a relaxation playlist. Even the three-year-old has started to develop her own playlist. I’ve heard her walk by the Google Nest and say, “Hey, Google! Play Gloria!” She’s also happy to sing this at full volume while riding in her car seat.


3. Make your own songs. This is one of our favorites. We take popular songs and use our own words. Our most recent is changing the words to Baby Shark to teach animal noises. (Baby Calf-moo, moo, moo, moo., Baby kitten, meow, meow, meow, meow.) Use your imagination and have fun with this one.

4. Attend performances with your child. These don’t have to be expensive concerts. Many cities offer free summer concerts in the park. Bring a picnic, a blanket, and enjoy a fun family evening. Visiting your favorite amusement park? Stop by one of the free shows. As your child gets older, take them to free concerts at local colleges or high schools. Who knows? Soon they might be ready for Broadway shows and the ballet.

American Queen Ensemble
The American Queen Ensemble.

5. Let them learn how to play an instrument. Start them early by making your own instruments or purchasing toy instruments. We’ve made shakers from empty paper towel holders and dried beans, used baby tambourines, and even purchased a baby xylophone. Sure, the house is going to be noisy, but you have a kid. The house is already noisy!

As the kids get older, encourage them to learn an instrument of their choice. My mom learned this the hard way. She wanted me to learn to play the piano. I did not. She paid for years of music lessons that I participated in with lackluster results and constant complaints. When it came time for my kids to choose an instrument, I allowed them to make their own choices. While my first choice wouldn’t have been a tuba, it worked for them.

Want to learn more about all aspects of the piano, guitar, or ukulele? Visit Musician Authority. He’s got resources on topics like How to Play Piano in 9 Easy Steps, Expanding your Chordal Knowledge, and more.

How do you encourage a love of music in your child?

*Study results from Music & Health by Harvard Medical School.
*20 Important Benefits of Music in our Schools by the National Association of Music Education.


  1. I miss attending performances as it’s the reason I’ve developed a love for music.

  2. That is so good and very interesting knowing more about music learning on it is such a great and love and compassion. Listening, playing, and singing is so loved. Music is the voice of love for me. That child must learn it.

  3. Luckily my kids love music, they enjoy singing as well as listening music. These are wonderful tool to make kids listen to music.

  4. I so wished I learned how to play an instrument when I was younger. Something cool to show off when you’re an adult!

  5. My husband plays piano and I sing. My children have been around music since the womb! We are very passionate about it in our home.

  6. Music adds so much to our lives. These are great tips to help encourage a love of music. We did many of these things when our kids were small, and most of them participated in the school music programs until they graduated high school, and still play for fun.

  7. We started my oldest in a Kindermusic program when she was 6 months old. I think music is so important to share with our kids. Great post!

  8. Our kids don’t get a choice haha! We are huge music lovers in our family and have regular dance and singing parties with our grandkids.

  9. Great tips! I grew up learning music and couldn’t agree more.

  10. Growing up around parents who love music, it’s naturally something that I love and my children love.

  11. All great tips! I hope my kids grow up to be music lovers one day.

  12. How can you not love music. Mine were music lovers from the start.

  13. There is something incredible about music isn’t there? These sound like some wonderful ideas to instil that love into kids.

  14. I listened to LOTS OF MUSIC when my son was in my belly and OMG he loves music now SOOOO MUCH! It’s crazy!!

  15. I’m so glad my kiddos love music. We usually have something on in the background, whether it’s kids songs, The greatest showman soundtrack, or other stuff on Pandora. They love singing and dancing!

  16. I love this! And we’ve done a lot of it since music is a big deal in our house. We love going to shows. Well, my daughter and I do. But we’ve always listened to music together.