I finished the Exaltria 30 Days to Better Skin Challenge!

This #30days2betterskin shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.  #CollectiveBias
“What’s that wrinkle doing on my face?” I demanded.  I knew, of course. It’s one of the perks of aging.  I’d noticed some of my bad habits, like squinting, had finally caught up with me, leaving me with a wrinkle square between my eyes.  Those little crows feet by my eyes were just the icing on the cake.  Given the chance to take the Exaltria 30 days to better skin challenge, I said, “Sign me up!”  I agreed to make some simple changes of my choosing; drink two bottles of water a day, switch to a higher number sunscreen, eat more fiber and exercise three times a week.  Easy enough to accomplish, right?  I knew the 30 days would give me plenty of time to get these new habits ingrained.   I was ready to get started, lose weight and feel great!

Nickolas Sparks and me
Before Picture in August. That’s me with Nicolas Sparks!

So, what is Exaltria? It’s a low molecular weight  Hyaluronic acid. Different studies performed in France have shown that a daily ingestion of 120 mg of LMWHA allows a deep hydration of the skin, preventing and reverting aging signs. I knew it couldn’t hurt! The first day I asked my son, since he was getting himself a drink out of the fridge, to bring me a water.  I knew I had been drinking too much soda when he brought me my favorite diet drink and said, “Here you go.” As the week progressed my son became my biggest supporter. “Have you drank your water today?” I had planned to attend a conference at the end of the week and found my son packing me a cooler of water so I could meet my daily goals.  I was afraid I might not get my daily exercise at the conference but made up for it by running up and down four flights of stairs.

Jennifer Sikora & Me at TypeACon

By the time the second week rolled around I was getting into a routine. The fiber was helping keep me full, the water was helping keep me hydrated and I was speed walking around the neighborhood regularly.  I felt better than I had in a while.  I was no longer having an afternoon slump.  I did notice that my face burned when I applied my sunblock in the morning and I had slight redness around my nose. I wasn’t sure if it was because I had changed cleansers or if it was the Exaltria.  I switched back to my normal cleanser and still had the slight burning. It wasn’t extremely painful, just annoying, so I persevered with the Exaltria.

30daystobetterskin Exaltria

The third week was when everything seemed to go downhill.  My dad, who has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, got worse, my daughter completely lost feeling in the left side of her body and I hurt my foot, going from speed walking to slow limping. It is harder to exercise when you can barely walk.  Spending a lot of time at doctors’ office and the hospital didn’t give me time for healthy eating habits.  The fiber had days when it went by the wayside and I grabbed fast food instead.  I had some stress eating and downed a ton of soda. This was the week I decided to ask Bryan if my skin looked any better. He had a terrified “anything I will say will be wrong” look and informed me, “I am the wrong person to ask.”  I asked my daughter who studied me closely for a few minutes and declared, “You look more hydrated.”

30 days to better skin
The no makeup look!

The final week of the challenge I realized I was actually starting to see results. My skin did look more hydrated. I had improved my skin care routine by bumping up my daily sunblock application from 15 to 35.  I found I craved water. I learned I could exercise, with a limp.  And I learned that keeping a stable routine as much as possible is ideal when I am stressed. My skin does look more hydrated. I can tell a difference in the fine lines around my eyes.  I’d love to see if the complete three month program. Exaltria is available on Amazon.

What is your best skin care tip?


  1. Lookin good lady! I try to start a new skincare regime every month and never stick to any thing! I need to try this one!

  2. Hmm, I have not heard of this! But I’m getting closer to 40 and my skin could really use some help! My face is pretty healthy but is starting to show lines.

  3. You look great! I really need a routine. I am so bad at this!

  4. You look fantastic! And I am totally jealous that you got to hang out with Nicholas Sparks! I love his books.

  5. Water water water. And ya proper rest.

  6. You do look great! Even more of a testament to that is everything you’ve been going through. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. My skin care tip is to remove makeup before going to bed.

  7. You are glowing! I think it is so important to clean and moisturize your skin daily. Also do not leave any makeup on at all. Thanks for sharing your challenge!

  8. Wow, Nicholas Sparks and you both look great!!!! I think you are a very pretty lady!!

  9. I am humbled by the fact that so many people guess me at younger than my age. Honestly, if it’s true, then I think it’s due to a lot of fluids, a lot of yoga and dancing, and a lot of play 🙂

  10. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    Oh I know we all could use a bit more water!
    You do look great!

  11. PERKS of aging?? LOL I’m not enjoying that perk!
    I think you look FAB… Perk away!!

  12. I need to be better about keeping a skin routine. The older I get the more I can’t take advantage of my youthful skin!

  13. Good for you for sticking with it despite having some stressful times! My best skin care tip is to not over exfoliate. It creates dry skin that produces more oil and lands you with more acne.

  14. Your skin looks amazing! This sounds like it was a great challenge.

  15. I dont have a lot of experience with facial products. So many of them cause break outs or irritations. This sounds like a great product.

  16. A hydrated look is good. I think you look great, and I bet it was fun taking the skin challenge too. 🙂

  17. I drink lots of water. And nightly moisturizer helps too! You look great!

  18. I have few tips. I need all the help I can get.

  19. My best skin care tip is to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drinking water does great things for your skin. Hydrate from the inside out and your skin will be more moisturized. At least this is working for me lately after giving up soda and drinking 8 glasses of water daily. Your skin is looking great.

    That’s awesome that you got to meet Nicolas Sparks.

  20. Your skin looks awesome! I am all about taking care of my skin as I get older.

  21. Your skin looks amazing! I swear drinking a ton of water has helped keep some wrinkles at bay for me!

  22. There is definitely a glow to your skin now, I think it looks great. I’ve not heard of this before, but may need to look into it.

  23. I try to avoid as much makeup as possible! That and I moisturize every day.

  24. It is so important to take care of your skin!

  25. You look really nice. My skin care tip is drink lots of water and moisturize – moisturize – moisturize – using natural products

  26. You look great! I know I need to drink more water – that’s such a simple thing to do once you get in the habit, and it makes such a difference.

  27. My best skincare tip is sunblock. I am so worried about signs of aging due to the harmful sun rays, I am religious about applying spf daily.

  28. It is important to find just the right products to take good care of our skin.

  29. You look great! My skin tip is do not go to sleep with make up on – clean your face.

  30. I thought you looked great at Type A. 🙂 This looks nice – I’ll have to give it a try. I definitely could use more hydrated skin.

  31. Lots and lots of water and not a lot of make up! People think I’m way younger than what I am and that’s the only things I do! I think you look fantastic!

  32. I try to drink water, I avoid sweets, and I use masks and cleansers as a part of my beauty routine.

  33. I think you look beautiful! It is better to grow older gracefully verses look like a plastic mannequin trying to be 20 again.

  34. Stay out of the sun or wear moisturizer that contains SPF>

  35. Skin care is so addicting. My tips would be to drink lots of water and don’t forget to moisturize!

  36. Hmm, my best skin care tip would be you are what you eat!
    Drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit and veggies and your skin will thank you. 🙂

  37. That is so great that your son packed water for you. I have started to drink more water and exercise that has seemed to help. I feel a lot better after only a couple weeks.

  38. I think probably what you mentioned keeping a stable routine. When it comes to stress your body can go crazy.

  39. Water is such an important part to having a healthy body and healthy skin! I love that your son helped support you during this challenge!

  40. I love Skin Care Products and am constantly trying them. I will say one skin care tip is DRINK WATER! I know myself I need to do more of this.