Author: Brittany

Home Safety Products for Toddlers

Toddler Products That Will Make Your Life Easier

Toddlers come with a lot of baggage. No, not emotional baggage. Actual, physical, throw-your-back-out, why-am-I-carrying-this baggage. Some of it isn’t totally necessary, like Critter’s eight baby dolls and stuffed animals that she insists on carrying everywhere with us. But some of it is actually essential. While we received these products […]

STEM Toys For Kids That They’ll Actually Enjoy

We’re a science family. Some of Critter’s first baby books were about the universe, women in science, and her favorite— dinosaurs. As she’s gotten older, she’s retained her love of reading books about STEM, but now she loves hands-on activities and STEM-based toys, too. I’m all about following the child, […]